Orange County NC Website
1 In response to a question, the County Attomey indicated that for profit child care facilities would <br />2 be covered and non - profit would be covered only if the County Commissioners decided that they were <br />3 covered. <br />4 <br />5 Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the 36% employee turnover rate for child care workers.. He <br />6 asked if exit interviews had been done? Ms. Russell indicated that poor wages was the main reasons for <br />7 the high turnover. <br />8 <br />9 Bill Strom indicated that he was speaking on his own behalf, not as a member of the Economic <br />10 Development Commission. He stated that this was initially received by the EDC members with some <br />11 oontroversy. However, the Economic Development Commission came to see this as a logical and healthy <br />12 step to take. wages are the cornerstone of the economy. He encouraged the Commissioners to move <br />13 forward with this Ordinance. He mentioned that he was in favor of the Ordinance as it is written, however, <br />14 he would like to see it bed to the Economic Development fast tract component. He would also like to see <br />15 the threshold on service contracts lowered. <br />16 <br />17 Alex Zaffron, Economic Development Commission member and Carrboro Board of Alderman, <br />18 Indicated that he strongly supported the passage of this Ordinance. He feels that one of the most difficult <br />19 challenges is to close the gap between the cost of living and the ability of bpi citizens to work and live in <br />20 this community. <br />21 <br />22 Frhzfe Ross, an Orange County citizen spoke in support of this Ordinance. She mentioned that <br />23 the cost of low wages In the child care field is high turnover of employees and the quality of child care is <br />25 greatly impacted by the high turnover, rate. <br />26 Mr. Ed ", an Orange County atizen, spoke in support of this Ordinance. He mentioned that he <br />27 was employed for $7.50 an hour and that It was practically impossible to balance even an extremely <br />28 conservative budget on that wage. <br />29 <br />30 There being no further comments the Public Hearing was dosed. The Ordinance will be <br />31 reviewed by staff for possible revision. The revised Ordinance wig be retumed to the Board of <br />32 e. <br />Commknioners as soon as possibl <br />1034 Z ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT <br />. 35 W PO -2-9a State Employees Credit Union <br />36 The following citizens and staff were swom in so that they could speak to this <br />37 item: Planner Eddie Kirk State of North Carolina Credit Union employee Robin Lewis, O'Brian/Atkins <br />38 Assoaates, Inc, employees Jay Smith and Steve Russ, and Jack Alphin of Alphin Realty. This item was <br />39 presented by Planner Eddie lark for the purpose of receiving citizen comment on a Planned Development <br />40 and Class A Special Use Permit for the State Employees Credit Union. The property is located on the <br />41 southwest comer of Old Chapel Hill-Hillsborough Road and Oakdale Drive in Hillsborough Township. It <br />42 contains the two owner bb which total 2.07 acres in size. This property Is In the Economic Development <br />43 Zoning District as well as the property inmtedtately south and the lot immediately west. The State <br />44 Employees Credit Union is a permitted use in this district The proposed design meets all of the <br />45 requirements specified in the Design Manual exctpt the requirement for a buffer around the perimeter of <br />46 the property. The buffer could not be met due to the lot size. therefore the applicants are requesting a <br />47 waiver of this requirement The site plan indicates a proposed buffet of 59 feet nerd to Oakdale Drive, 52 <br />48 R 7 inches next to Old Chapel H&Hftborough Road, 40 feet next to the western property line and 24 feet <br />49 1 Inch next to the southem property fine. He indicated that in order to conform to this particular site, the <br />50 parking has been moved tD the rear of the proposed building. He indicated that staff has recommended <br />51 four conditions Of eplxoval to the plan in the event that the Board of Commissioners approve this request. <br />52 <br />553 QUESTIONS ANWOR COMMENTS BY THE BOARD Of COMMISSIONERS <br />55 Corm+iesioner Handofds asked for ehrrficatlon regarding whether or not there Is a drive through. <br />56 Mr. Kok in dialled that Uwe was an ATM and a drive through. <br />57 <br />