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z/z3/9t3 PUBC.tC {.~~,~~ MtA(U72g <br />~aY ex>sting as of S/6l98 in the R8, AR, R-1, Rd, R-3 and R-4 rosidentia! districts from 8.8 percent (10 <br />perat+nt in Planned developments, 1Z.3 percent in R-4) to 14.1 Percent. The Proposed standaro is equal <br />~ ~ me cement Unit on fbor area in PD-R-4 district and is consistent with ac~tuai }~ area of existing <br />4 t~ci6ties. <br />5 <br />6 QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMAAiSS1ONERS: None <br />7 <br />$ QUEST~Ng qND/OR COMMENT$ FROM THE PLANNING BOARD: None <br />9 <br />10 ouESTIONS aNOroR coMMENTS FROM cfFtZENs <br />11 <br />12 Rever~rxi Earl Ed~ois, Jr., with the Ebenezer Baptist Church, spoke in support of this Text <br />13 Amendmont.. tie commented that their current facility is too small to accommodate the size of their <br />14 congr8gation. He mentioned the number of children that they are currently serving and that it is important <br />15 to them to lncxease the size of thew church. They currently have 75.100 children in their congregation <br />t6 eadt Sunday and they need to provide a facility that is conducive tv worship. <br />7T <br />t $ A motion was made by Commissioner Carey. seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis, to refer this <br />19 item to the Planning Board for a recomn>•nda0on to be referred to the Board of Commissioners ra sooner <br />20 than May a, 1998. <br />21 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />22 <br />23 This item was Chaired by Chairwoman Margaret Brown. She asked everyone who wished to speak <br />24 tv come forward and be sweet in by the Deputy Clerk. <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 4. CLASS A SPECULL USE PERMR PD-1-98 Grolina Friends School <br />28 The following citizens and staff were sworn in by tiw Deputy Clerk so that they could <br />29 speak to this item: Orange County Planner Emily Cameron, John Baird, Prindpal, Carolina Friends <br />3o School and Ellen Weinstein. This item was presented by Planner Emily Cameron for the purpose of <br />31 r@Ceiviru~ Catlzen cemrnent on a proposed modification to the Special Use Permit for Carolina Friends <br />32 Sd>ool to accorrwrwdatf a ten-year master plan for expansion of the existing privatt school approved as a <br />~ pied devebprrrent in 1990 and modified in 1992, 1996, and 1997. Carolina Friends school is an <br />34 existing Private school located vn the west side of Ftlends School Road (SR 1719). The property <br />35 contains 38.62 atx~es and is zoned PD-RB, planned Devebpment -Rural Buffer. In August of 1990 a <br />36 Class A Speda! Use Permit was issued for Carolina Fronds School to allow the use of the school's <br />37 waslewater disposal system in the Rural Buffer. A planned devebpmertt A also required where there aro <br />38 multiple prirx,+pa{ structures on anon-residential lot greater than two acres in size. This Special Use <br />39 Permit wee modified in 1992 and 1996. to 1997 the Scholl swapped land with Duks University !o acquire <br />~0 aaeage between the existing scinool and Friends School Road. The current request is to sccommodate a <br />42 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ expand the school inb the acreage acquired in 1997. Student enrollment is <br />Proposed to increase by }hre fipr a total of 422 students. The staff will increase by one for a tool of 82 staff <br />43 members. The proposal includes a new entrance oo the school site south of the existing entrance on <br />44 Friends School Road. The new entrance wip have better sight distance than the existing entrance. The <br />45 exlstirq entrance will cont+nue to access a portion of the campus, but wiq not connect to the proposed <br />46 systsrn of driveways. Fare new buildings are proposed (37,150 aq. R): amulti-purpose center <br />47 (gymnasium). a rneetinQ house, a new Early School building, an athletic field house, and a coverall <br />48 service area. Several additbns to existing stn~dures are proposed totaling 14,700 square fleet. The <br />49 expansion also imrolves a baseball fkid, two soccer fields. and an outdoor anphitheeter. <br />50 <br />51 QUESTIONS ANdOR COMMENTS FROM THE dOAttO OF COMiMISS1ONFRS: <br />52 <br />53 Comrriisaiorrer Gordon asked for cbrlfkatlon on why the space is being increased but the student <br />55 ~~ is ony being increased by 5 stt,denb. <br />56 Johtl 88ud. Prindpad, Carolina Friends School. replied that the kmg-term vision floc the sd~ool calls <br />57 bran increase in tadlities but not tier a significant increese in enrollment The cement sae of the schod <br />