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2/x.3/98 PcJF~~-IG NE,4i:.J~ljC1 NlilltJ'T~s <br />1 fn response to a question Dy Commissioner Gordon, Eddie Kirk reviewed the sutrnunding uses <br />2 which include a CITGO station, 5everaf nesidences which are located in the Economic Devebpmer>< <br />3 Districts to the south and west. To the North is a residence in the Town of Hillsborough's jurisdiction. <br />4 He also indlgted that the sewer connection would either be at (=Wt Ridge or at the prison sky. <br />5 <br />6 Commissioner Brown asked if there was a process in place whereby residents at the Eoonamic <br />7 Deveaoprr~erd Dastckt would be inbrrr~ed of the issues surrounding water and/or sewer services. Mr. lark <br />8 replied that the Planning staff always nzcornmends water & sewer but it is not required. <br />9 <br />10 QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE pLANNWG BOARD -None. <br />11 <br />12 QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS <br />13 <br />14 Jay Smith, with O'BrieN-Atltins Associafies, Inc., indicated that this plan was first submitted in <br />15 March Of 1997 and they feel that this Latest plan is the best possible use of this site. They have worttect <br />16 with Orange County Transportation Planner Slade MkCalip to design the best circulation plan. The sewer <br />17 lines have been mowed in this last design so that parking could be moved m the back of the building. <br />18 Atso. they have left the large trees and increased the buffers as much as possible. He also mentioned <br />19 that this branch buildding wilt irx~ease the tax base by 1 million dollars. They have made many changes <br />20 twt they gnnot adhere to the ~ 00 toot buffer requirement <br />21 <br />22 51u:ve Russ, with O'8rienlAtkins, indicated that he was available ro answer any questions. He <br />23 mentioned that Stsde Md:.afip felt that aligning with the CITGO Station would help with the trafRc flaw. <br />24 <br />25 Jack Alphin, of Alphin Realty, mentioned that he does not have a vested interest in this facigty. He <br />26 was asked ~ submit an opinion on behalf of the State tlnpbyees Credit Union. He refierred to his letter <br />27 dated Oacember 17, 1997 a aopy of which as located in the pem>anent agenda file in the Clerk's aft'ice. He <br />28 indicated that the Cred'R Union faality would st the very least maintain the area and would most likes <br />29 enhance the ambiance and values of adjacent and area properties. <br />30 <br />31 Robin Lewis, Manager of CredR Union, indigted that she would tie happy t0 answer any <br />32 questions. SM agreed that the cun~ent plan appears to 17e the best use of the site. The staff of the Credit <br />33 Union are corrrrrritAed to providing a needed service to the citizens of Northam Orange County. in <br />34 response to a question, she mentioned that they randy require a SheriRs Deputy tD provide an escort <br />35 while Credit Union employees transfer money. <br />36 <br />37 A Letter from James C. Blaine, President, State Employees Credit Union, was distributed and is <br />38 inducted herein by reference. He stated that the Credit Union has made attempts to address each <br />39 oa~cern that was rt-emioned in his earlier discussion witt- John Lank. His comments in their endroty an! in <br />40 the permanent agenda flla in the Clerk's office <br />41 <br />42 A motion was made by Chairwoman grown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis. to refer this <br />43 item to the Planning 9oard Uor a reeorrurierxtation Do be rotumed to the t3oar+d of Comnrtssioners no sooner <br />44 than ApN T,1998 <br />45 VOTE uNANIMOUs <br />48 <br />47 3. ZONIING ORDINANCE TEBT AMti9NOMENT <br />48 (a) _ Floor Arta For Existing Non-+rsidenttM uses in Residential Distrkts Article 5.1.2 <br />49 Schedule far Non-residential Development <br />50 This item was presented by Orange County Planner Emig Cameron for the Purpose <br />51 of wcrivirp dtioeen ooemnent on a proposed afnsndmMt to the Zoning Orbinanoa to increase the <br />52 maximum floor arN atiovvad for e~dsting non-rcsideMtal uses pemtiltied ht the AR. R9. R-1, R-2, R-3 and <br />53 R~ Coining districts. She stated that hstittrtional uses such as schools. government lwildings, ane places <br />54 of worship ere permiftad in sal residential toning districts with site plan ~proval by the Planning . <br />55 Qepttrot~ent In 1989 the Zoning Ore~ana was amended ee increase the floor area altawed for non. <br />56 r+eaidential uses to t+ssidengaa districts (R8, AR, R-1 b R-2) from S.8 percent to 8. a percent limit on floor <br />57 area. The proposed arrrendmer-t would increase the ma~drnum floor ano Mowed torncn-residential uses <br />