Orange County NC Website
6- ' <br />WHEREAS, a petition has he,tti tiled with Orange County. North Carolina pur%uant to <br />N.C. Gm. SUL 9 153A -241 to closc pertnarxattly the follv%%ing •trcct nshts of way: <br />All of Wcstcon Court and Rramptun Place !exited ul 'N,t Ilope Church Ruad (S, R. <br />1723) apM.6nately SOU feet south of its intcrscv-tion «with Old N.C. lU (S. R. 1710) <br />as shown on the plats recorded at Plat Rook 79, Pabc 2R and Plat Rook 78, Pagc 29, <br />Grange County Regis; y. <br />BE IL), RESOLVED by the (range County Hoard of C'oatntissioncts: <br />1. That the roadway -4 described above art intended to be closed permanently,, <br />2. That a public hearing lie held on , 1998 in the <br />at o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter caa be heard. -- <br />3. That a coPy of this resolution be pubiished for once a week for dree successive weeks prier <br />to the hearing, that a copy of the rcwlution be scrit b,� rvgist=d or certified mail to each o-.sner as <br />shown on the county tax records of property adjoining the rights of way who did not join in the request <br />to have the road or casement closed and that a notivv of the closing and public hearing be pertttanv -ntly <br />pasted in at least two places along the rights of way. <br />1. Hcvcrly A i3hthc, Clcrk to the Hoard of C orttrttissioncrs for the County ofOrange, <br />North Carolina DO HFRF.RY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolutions have been cardblty copied <br />from the recorded minutes of the Aoard of Commissionem for %aid County at a regular meeting of said <br />Hoard held on . 1998, said record having been made in the Minute Book of the <br />minutes of said Board and is a true exipy ofso much ofraid proveedings ofs.eid Board as relates in any <br />way to the passage of the resolutioets described in said proeeedingc <br />Witness my hand and the corpmatc veal of the County this the _ -_- day of <br />, 1998. <br />Clak to the Hoard of Commissioners <br />