Orange County NC Website
6' RESOLUTION A <br />RE• SOLL71ONS OF THE ORAYGE CO rNNTY <br />BOARD Of C011WISSIONF.RS <br />a pumuant to <br />late: <br />Read (S.R. <br />R. 17 10) arse ot'Subdiv lion: tlnivmity Afww- Phase I <br />Pargc 29, <br />amce .;pplicaut: Ivey Vest Enterprise -s. Ine.'Sanford Bailey <br />i•„y;,;gjs,n��t' Suhdi�i�iun— ±rpr,�'a_f <br />WHEREAS. a request has been filed by the (h«er'Applicaat to rcvoke the December 19. <br />approval of the preliminary plan for LTnivenity Manor. Phan; I ax %-t out in the mmolutiun <br />ted b,% the Board of Commissioners on that date and as incorporated in the plats entitled "ti1'stcr <br />hasancm and Open Space Plat. tTnivcs;sitf Manor. Phase I" recorded at Plat Book 77, Page 191. <br />wecks prior <br />Mats entitled "Final Plat of Univ,.mity 1ltanor. Phase I, Section I" recorded at Plat Book 78. Pages <br />veer as <br />nd 29, (range County Registry mid the Declaration or Dc%Ylopment Restrictiorm and <br />the request <br />iii esacnts recorded at Plat Boot: 1372. Page 336 and to relieve the County and the <br />:m m-ntly <br />ceApplicant of all requirements and conditions set out in the moluticm and the Declaration of <br />:lopnmu Restrictions and Requirements; and, <br />xOrange, <br />A I;FRE: trS, The Board of Cotnmissioncn has dcurmined that it should gant the request <br />: copied <br />t as it pertains to thw CotwA.ratien Fv mcnt granted to the County in the dmvmcnt n.vordcd at <br />;istg of said <br />1572. Page 535, Ckanga County Registy and shown on the plats recorded at Plat Boot► 77. <br />the <br />91 and Plat Hook 78. Pages 28 and 29.Oratige County Registry which the County %%i4w% to <br />!ate% in any <br />- <br />BE IT RESOLVED that The Board of Commissioners hcm., • makes its T)ec;embrr 19, 1995 <br />of the preliminary plan for Uni-.crsity Manor, Pbay. I as sct out in its naolution of that date <br />lam the plat entitled "Water r.ine Faxamml and 0,'Pcn Space Plat. tlni%v city Manor, Incase I" <br />at Plat Doak 77, Page 191, the plats entitled "Final Plan of L1nhwsity 1lanor. Phase 1. <br />I" recorded at Plat Book 78, Pages 28 and 29, Orange County Registry and the Declaration or <br />_ <br />nt Restrictions sod Requirements recordod at Plat Book 1572. Page 336 null and void and <br />the applicaeowner of all requimnem and conditions set out in the resolution and the <br />tion of Development Ratrtaicrn+ and Rcquin umu c=cyt for the Conservation F&scmcnt <br />to Orange County by University Manor Houmeownm Avoeiation, Im. as required in the <br />n and as shown on the plans romded at Plat Book 77, Page 191 ud Plat rkx* 78. Pages 28 <br />)range County Registry and as anon rutty c o%mi•iwal in the caummia documa t recorded at <br />72 Page 353.Onmge County Registry Which the County will retain. <br />F.SAt.%'FD FIMTHF.R that the County Menages is authorized to ext.-cute whatem <br />a nc+ceisavy to carry out bless molutmix <br />