Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> <br />cvz~ c..cE~.~s ~~~~ <br />~a~Y 4 ~'S~C~Z~1~5 ~~Y 10, 1998 <br />y~pFjE~Eo~ls, the office of the County Clerk, A time honored And vital pArt of lvcnl <br />government exists throughout the world, And <br />~Fj~~~~s, the office of the County Clerk is the oldest Among public servants, And <br />~FjE~~~s, the office of the County Clerk provides the professional link between <br />the citizens, the local governing bodi¢s And Agencies of government At other levels, And <br />~Fj~~E~-s, the County Clerk has pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality And <br />impartiality, rendering equal service to Alt, And <br />~i10FjE~~~s, the County Clerk serves As the informAtion center on functions of local <br />government And community, And <br />~llFj~~~~s, the County Clerk continually strives to improve the Administration of <br />the affairs of the Office of the County Clerk through pArticipAtion in education <br />programs, seminars, workshops And the Annual meetings of their stAte, county And <br />international professional orgAnizAtions, And <br />~IIFj~~E~s, it is most Appropriate thAt we recognize the Accomplishments of the <br />Office of the County Clerk, <br />.~U1M~ 75E~E.~~E-1~E 75E U~~.~~E CvZ~1.~w.rY J3C~oZ1~a <br />C~.~ CU~~J'ssJ'U./1~'E~s do hereby recognize the week of M,Ay 4 through <br />M,'Ay 10, 1998 As County Clerks ~lleek And further extend Appreciation to our County <br />Clerk, Beverly Blythe, And to All County And M'unicipAl Clerks for the vital services <br />they perform And their exempiAry dedication to tM¢ communities they represent. <br />'his the list day of ~pril, 1998. <br />M,ArgAret ~. gown, CbAir <br />