NS Grant - Planning - 1998 CLG Grant Award - St. Mary's Road Corridor Preservation Planning Study 05-06-1998-9d
Board of County Commissioners
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1990's Grants
NS Grant - Planning - 1998 CLG Grant Award - St. Mary's Road Corridor Preservation Planning Study 05-06-1998-9d
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6/11/2013 9:52:40 AM
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7/15/2010 11:11:32 AM
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Agenda - 05-06-1998 -9d
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12 <br />Carolina from coastal Virginia, numerous historic sites are located along St. Mary's Road. <br />According to Orange County's historical architecture survey, fifteen historic inventory sites are <br />located along the road, including three National Register sites and three National Register - <br />eligible sites. The Historic Preservation Commission believes the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path <br />Corridor contains suitable contributing characteristics to qualify as a rural historic district. The <br />corridor exhibits elements of a historic cultural landscape that has evolved through use by the <br />people whose activities and occupancy have modified the physical environment. The corridor <br />possesses a significant concentration, linkage, and continuity of land uses, buildings and <br />structures, roads, and natural features that would qualify it as a National Register Rural Historic <br />District. <br />Grant funds would be used to develop a National Register nomination for the St. Mary's <br />Road/Trading Path Historic Corridor. Funds would be used to hire a consultant to conduct survey <br />work aimed at developing a thorough historic context of the rural landscape of the corridor. The <br />scope of work would include: determination of historic area boundaries and evaluation of the <br />landscape elements; expanded surveys on historic structures and archeological sites; evaluation of <br />significance and historic integrity of the landscape and built environment; application of the <br />National Register criteria, and preparation of the National Register Multiple Listing forms. The <br />work would also include the required photography for the nomination forms and preparation of a <br />color slide presentation. <br />National Register listing would provide a basis for more extensive citizen -based planning <br />initiatives, wherein the residents of the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path Historic Corridor would work <br />toward a consensus on a vision of their community's future. One approach could involve a <br />community "visioning" process that uses visual preference surveys, hands -on modeling and other <br />techniques to develop a plan for the area. North Carolina Scenic Byway designation, a corridor <br />management plan, rural district designation and design guidelines would be among the tools for <br />implementing a future community -based plan. <br />
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