Orange County NC Website
STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE <br />DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY <br />NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES <br />GRANT AGREEMENT <br />This Grant Agreement is entered into this 6th day of April, 1998, by the State Historic <br />Preservation Office (HPO), hereafter known as the HPO, and Orange County, Grantee, for <br />and in consideration of a federal grant in the amount of $4,000 (four thousand dollars), for the <br />purpose of a preservation planning study of the St. Mary's Road Corridor. The project will <br />end no later than September 30, 1999. <br />GRANTEE STANDARDS: The Grantee agrees to have a satisfactory record of performance; <br />comply with the required completion schedule for the project; conform with debarment <br />requirements; and be otherwise qualified and eligible to receive a grant award under applicable <br />laws and regulations. <br />GENERAL CONDITIONS: The Grantee agrees to match the grant with funds or services <br />from nonfederal sources within the grant period, to use grant and matching funds or services <br />for the purpose specified above, and to furnish such reports and documentation, financial or <br />otherwise, as may be specified by the HPO. Project activities shall be performed according to <br />the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preservation, under the <br />guidelines and professional supervision of the HPO. _ <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CONTRACT: The Grantee agrees to enter into a detailed <br />Project Description and Contract with the Division of Archives and History and a qualified <br />Consultant openly selected to carry out objectives for non - construction projects, including <br />architectural surveys, survey manuscripts, archaeological investigations, preservation planning, <br />design guidelines, and the preparation of nominations to the National Register of Historic <br />Places. Attachments to the description /contract will specify the services and goods provided by <br />each party, a project budget, and standards to be followed. No reimbursements from grant <br />funds will be available until this final contract has been executed. <br />APPENDIX FOR GRANT AGREEMENTS: The Grantee agrees to the stipulations <br />contained in the attached "Appendix for Grant Agreements ". The Grantee further agrees to <br />incorporate reference to the Appendix in all contracts and attach a copy of the Appendix to all <br />contracts involving project activities. <br />PAYMENT OF GRANT FUNDS: The HPO agrees to payment of grant funds on a <br />reimbursement basis. Reimbursements will consist of a maximum of 60 percent of allowable <br />project costs, documented by invoices and canceled checks, and timesheets or other evidence <br />of in -kind contributions as applicable. Upon request the HPO may advance the Grantee up to <br />25 percent of the grant funds. After satisfactory documentation of this advance, along with the <br />required matching share, additional advances may be requested for up to 75 percent of the <br />grant award. The final 25 percent of grant funds will be payable only after satisfactory project <br />completion. <br />GRANTEE <br />Signature and title <br />Date <br />STATE HISTORIC <br />PRESERVATION OFFICE <br />Deputy State Historic <br />Preservation Officer <br />Date <br />