NS Grant - Planning - 1998 CLG Grant Award - St. Mary's Road Corridor Preservation Planning Study 05-06-1998-9d
Board of County Commissioners
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NS Grant - Planning - 1998 CLG Grant Award - St. Mary's Road Corridor Preservation Planning Study 05-06-1998-9d
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6/11/2013 9:52:40 AM
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7/15/2010 11:11:32 AM
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14 <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />306F REVERE ROAD <br />HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27278 <br />��ntil <br />�� 11•i � I <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION COM3USSION <br />March 5, 1998 <br />Dear St. Mary's Road Property Owner: <br />The Orange County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) is proposing a study on the history of the St. <br />Mary's Road corridor. <br />St. Mary's Road (NCSR 1002) in Orange County includes much of what was known as the Indian <br />Trading Path. This route extended from present -day Petersburg, Virginia, to the North Carolina -South <br />Carolina border and beyond. During colonial times, it was a major route of travel into Orange County. <br />A number of historic sites are located along St. Mary's Road. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission believes the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path Corridor contains <br />suitable characteristics to qualify as a historic district. With the approval of the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners, the HPC has applied for grant funds to conduct a study that would lead to the eventual <br />nomination of the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path Corridor to the National Register of Historic Places. <br />For owners of historic properties within a National Register district, listing on the Register is a <br />prestigious honor, for a property that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places has been <br />deemed important to the Nation's heritage. The listing of a property in the National Register places no <br />obligation or restriction on the private landowner using private resources to maintain or alter the <br />2roverty. Owners of National Register sites may benefit from the availability of Federal and State tax <br />credits for rehabilitation of income - producing properties, such as rental and commercial buildings. <br />National Register sites are also given a higher level of review by the state and federal government when <br />federally funded projects, such as road construction, may adversely affect the area. <br />A "National Register Fact Sheet" is enclosed that describes the National Register of Historic Places and <br />what it means to the property owner. If you have any questions about the proposed study, please contact <br />our staffperson, Don Belk, at 732 -8181, extension 2594. We also invite you to attend a meeting of the <br />Historic Preservation Commission. The HPC meets every fourth Wednesday at 7:00 PM at the Planning <br />and Agricultural Center at 306 Revere Road in Hillsborough. <br />Sincerely, <br />Tom Allison, Chair <br />
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