Orange County NC Website
A National Register nomination for the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path Historic Corridor <br />would address several objectives of the county's Historic Preservation Element; namely, <br />promoting nominations to the National Register, incorporating archeological sites into the <br />county's priority list of significant historic resources, and broadening the base of support for <br />historic preservation in the community. <br />This proposal for a 1998 CLG grant would provide a model for meeting the goals and <br />objectives of the Legacy plan. Orange County is already implementing its own historic <br />preservation plan through a number of initiatives. These include a local landmarks designation <br />program and a National Register nomination for the Cedar Grove Crossroads Rural Historic <br />District. The County is also considering creation of a preservation division within its Planning <br />Department to effectively integrate historic preservation concerns into the planning process. <br />Therefore, the proposed project, under the auspices of the County's ongoing preservation <br />program, meets all the objectives of Legacy Goal #2 (Planning). In addition, the project <br />immediately addresses Objective #4D. Upon listing of the St. Mary's Road/Trading Path <br />Historic Corridor in the National Register, Objectives #5D through #5G will be addressed <br />through the County's continued commitment to historic preservation. <br />13 <br />