Orange County NC Website
12. I'RUI'I:R"f S' DISCLOSURE AND INSPEC'f10NS: <br />la) Yruperty Disclosure: <br />^ Buyer has receiveJ'a signet copy of the Residential Property Disclosure Statement prior to the signing of this Offer to Purchase ant Cuntract. <br />^ Buyer Iran NOT receive) a signet copy of the Residential Property Disclosure Statement prior to the signing of this Offer to Purchase ant Cuntract <br />and shall have the right to terminate or withdraw this contract without penrlry upon receipt of the Residential Property Disclosure Statement provided <br />such termination or withdrawal notice is hand delivered or mailed to Seller or Seller's Agent within three Jays following receipt of same. <br />^ Exempt from Residential PiupiSrty Disclosure Statement because (SEE GUIDELINES) <br />^ The Property is residential and was built prior to 1978 (Attach Lead-Based Paint or Lead-Based Paint Hazards Disclosure AJdenJwn.) <br />lb) Property Inspection: Unless otherwise st:dcd herein, ur as otherwise provided con an inspection aJJenJum attache) hereto, Buyer shall have <br />tlrc uptiun ul inspecting ur. obtaining at Buyei s expense, inspections to determine the cunJition of the Property. Unless otherwise stale) hcrcin, it <br />is a condition of Ibis contract Ihal: (i) the built-in appli:urces, electrical system, plumbing system, heating and cooling systeors, rxlf coverings <br />(including (lashing and gullets), derors and windows, exterior surfaces, structural congwncnts (ilx;luding founJatiuns, culwuns, chinulcys, Ihwrs, <br />walls, Cl'lIII1gS alrll rUUIS), Ixrrl'heti alt) llccks, lireplae:es:urd Ilucs, crawl space auJ :LLtic ventilation syslenrs (il any), water and sewer systems (public <br />and private), shall be perlirnuing the function fur which intended and shall not be in nee) of itmttediate repair. (ii) there shall be no unusual Drainage <br />cunditiuos ur evidence ul excessive; nruislure adversely al leering dx: structure(s): ant (iii) tlx;rc shall lx: uu friable asbestos ur existing cnvirmnrcntal <br />cuntaminatiun. lmspections must be wmpleted un ur Ix:fure ~yvrr is ~dviud to h•wc •nrv iusrx:ctiuns <br />grade prior to inculringgxnenses Ibr clusine a 1 in sul'licient time to ocrmit •urv reyuircd reoairs to be cumt~leted by closin,_ <br />(c) Wood-Urstruyiug lauds: Unless otherwise slate) hereto, Buyer shall have the option ul'ubtainiug, at Buyer's expense, a report from a license) <br />pest cootrul operator un a standard 1'onn in accordance with the regulations of the North Carolina Structural Pest Control Camniltee, stating that there <br />was nu visible evidence of woexl-destroying insects and cuntainiog mu indication of visible Damage therefrom. The report must be obtained in <br />sul ticicnt time su as to permit treaUnent, if any, and repairs, il' any, to be completed prior to closing. AlI treatment reyuired shall be paid for by Seller <br />and completed prior w closing, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the parties. The Buver is advised th'+t the inscection report des~~ribed in <br />•~ w, w . if new <br />constntction, Seller shall provide a standard warranty of termite soil treatment. <br />(d) Repairs: Pursuant to any inspections in (b) and/or (c) above, if any repairs arc necessary, Seller shat) have the option of (i) completing them. (ii) <br />providing for their completion, or (iii) refusing to complete them. IC Seller elects not to complete or provide for the completion of the repairs, then <br />Buyer shall have the uptiun of (iv) accepting the Property iu its present condition, or (v) terminating this contract, in which case all earnest monies <br />shall be relunded. Unless otherwise state) herein, ur as otherwise provided on an inspetaion ed hereto, any items nut covered by (b) <br />(i), b (ii), b (iii) ant (c) alwve are excltxled from repair negotiations under this contract. <br />(e) Acceptance: CLOSING SI1AL•i-• CONS fl'1'U'1'F ACCEI'TANCI' Ol' EACII OFTIIESYS'1'FM1Iti ITFIVIS ANU CONpffIONti 1 ISTEU <br />ABOVE IN ITS TIiEN EXISTING CONDITION UNLESS PROVISION IS nTUFRWISE MADE IN WRITING. <br />13. REASONABLE ACCESS: Seller will provide reasonable access to Buyer or Buyer's representatives for the purposes of appraisal, inspection, <br />and/or evaluatimt. Buyer may conduct awalk-through inspection of the Property prior to closing. <br />IJ. CLOSING: Closing shall lx: defilxd as the date attd time: of recording ul'tlx: Deed. All Ironies agree to execute any atxl all dtxunxnts atld papers <br />necessary in cunnectiun with closing and tmusfer of title wt ur belbre Jude 1 . 1998 , at a place designated by Buyer. <br />'tlte decd ;. to be rrtaele to OranPe Cotutty, North Carolina P 0 I3ox 181 Hillsboroueh NC 27278 <br />IS. l'USS1iS51UN: Unless utlrerwise provided herein, possession shall Ix: Delivered •at clwing. hl the event Ixrssessiun is NO"C to be dchvcred •rt <br />closing: ^ a buyer possession before closing agreement is attached. OR, ^a seller possession after closing agreement is attached. <br />lG. OTHER PROVISIONS ANU CONDITIONS: (ITEMIZE ALL ADDENDA -CO Tl IIS CON"I'RACT AND ATTACH I(EKGTO. SEE LIST <br />OF STANDARD FORM ADUGNDA AVAILABLE) <br />See Exhibit B attached hereto. <br />17. RISK OE LOSS: The risk of loss ur damage by I ire ur other casurlty prior w closing shall be upon Seller. If the improvements on the Property <br />are destroyed or ntaterirlly damaged prior to closing, Buyer stay terminate this contract by written rxxice delivered to Seller or Seller's agent and all <br />deposits shall be returned to Buyer. In tlx: event Buyer Does NO'f elan to terminate this contact, Buyer shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the <br />Property, any of the Seller s insurance proceeds payable un account of the damage or destruction applicable to the Property being purchased. <br />18. ASSIGNMENTS: This contract rrtay not be assigned without the written consent of all p:uties, but if assigned by agreement, then this contract <br />shall be binding on the assignee and his heirs mxl successors. <br />19. PARTIES: Tltis contract shall be bilxling upon attd shall inure to the belrelit of the parties, i.e., Buyer and Seller noel their heirs, successors arnl <br />assigns. As uw:d herein, words in the singular ilxaude tlx: plural alxl the masculine includes the feminine mxl neuter garders, as appropriate. <br />20. SURVIVAL: If arty provision Itercin contained wltictl by its Itature alld el'fee:t is required to be observed, kept or performed alter the clositlg, it <br />shall survive the closing and remain binding upon and for the benefit of the parties hereto until fully observed, kept or performed. <br />21. ENTIKE AGREEMENT: Phis control contains the entiro •agrcenrent of the parties and there are no representations, inducements or other <br />provisions other than those expressed herein. All changes,additions ordeletiotts hereto nwst be in writing a~xJ signet by all parties. Nothing contained <br />hcrcin shall alter any agrce:nrcnl lxtween a REAI; COR• nr broker and Seller ur Buyer as cuulained in any listing agreement, buyer agency agreenteut, <br />or any other agency agreement lxtwrr-n thorn. <br />22. EXECUTION: This offer shall become a binding contwct when sighed by both Buyer and Seller This contract is executed under seal in signed <br />multiple originals, all of which together constitute Otte attd the saute instrument, with a signed original being retained by each party and each <br />REALTOR'or broker hereto, attel the parties adopt the word "SEAL" beside their signatures below. <br />lF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS OFFER TO PURCHASE AND CONTRACT OR FEEL THAT IT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR YOUR <br />LEGAL NEEDS, YOU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY BEFORE YOU SIGN IT. <br />Buyer acknowled res having oracle an m -site •rsonal exawiualiun of the Properly prior to the making of thi [Cer. <br />ORANGE NTY, NORTH 0 <br />By: Buyer (SL'AL) Seller E.H. Kenned (Sent) <br />SSlI'ax ID SSlfax IU# <br />Buyer ~ (SEAL) Seller Eva F. Kennedy ~;~~ _ ~ ~~,,,,,u,1SEAL) <br />ssirax 1Da Ssn'ax -DN -~l7 <br />Date: Date- ~ - 1d - 4 St s <br />I hereby acknowledge receipt oC tl-e earnest utuney hcrcin set forth and agree lu hold noel disburse the scone in accordrnce with the terms <br />Ireton[. <br />Date firm: <br />uy: <br />^ Buyer's Agent <br />^ Seller's (sub)agent <br />Selling AgenUFinn/I'hone Acting as ^ Dual Agent <br />O Seller's (sub)agent <br />Listing AgenUFirnt/Phone Acting as ^ Dual Agent <br />Printed by Jamas Williams & Co., Inc. ©1998 NC 9AR ASSOCIATION-Form No. 2 NC ASSOCIATION OP REAITORS~, INC.-Form No. 2 <br />