<br />Continued Prom page 164
<br />On motion of Commissioner Lews, seconded by Commissioner v111eon,
<br />and e11 members oT the Board voting Sn the affirmet ive, the follovring
<br />rea oluti on covering appronrietl one for the fiscal year 1943-195? Se
<br />ed opted, to-wit:
<br />That Orange County appropriate for its budget for the Piecal year
<br />'beginning July 1,1843, and ending June 30,1944, the foil owing amounts, to-vrit:
<br />For General County Fund the sum of 620,050.00
<br />For Public Health Fund the sum of 5,460,00
<br />For Superior Courts and Jai.t the swn of 7;250.00
<br />For County Debt Service the sum oP 32,917.25
<br />rFOr Salary Fund the sum of 23,670.00
<br />For School Current Expence Fund the sum of 43,473,00
<br />For School Ceni tel Outlay Fund the sum oP 12,723.25
<br />For School Deot Service the sum of 23,659.76
<br />For tvelPare Fund the sum of 30,065.04
<br />Thus making a total budget appropriation of 6199,2~H, 30
<br />That the above appropriation of Salary Fund oP $23,670,00 is derived
<br />'oy using en unencuhbered balance of 91,358,79 and othe revenues such es
<br />commissions end fees to the emount of 911,938.75 with an apnropriat ion from
<br />the General County Fund of 910, 372.46, which emount ie necessary to raise the
<br />total needed for county salaries.This approprieti on of $10,372.46 is hereby
<br />eneclflcelly transferred Prom the General County Fund to the Belary Fund,end
<br />said amount is in addition to the 620,050,00 mhlch appears Sn the above dee-
<br />cri'oed "oudget under the head of General County Fund.
<br />That in the above appropriations Por schools, ae vrill be shown in de tali.
<br />by reference to Seho of Hudget statementswhich nave been filed by Orange
<br />County Hoard of Education, end vrhich have been approved by this Hoard,it Se
<br />determined that Chanel Hili Special Charter District shall receive under &he
<br />head oP Current Expence the sum of y9, 479.OO,end under the head of Capital
<br />Outlay 96,673.25, end under the head of Debt Service the sum oP 61,532.01.
<br />That under the head oP ;rel Pare in the above adopted "oudget the total
<br />apprwriation by nrenge County amounts to S3D,065,64, whi ch amount added to
<br />the Panda to be made availa:hle 'oy federal government and the State of tJOrth
<br />Carolina in the emount oP 935, 91a, gg will make e total welPsre budget of
<br />665,980.92,
<br />On motion oP Commissioner will on,seconded oy Commi ss loner Lews, the
<br />folloning rea olutlon Se unanimously passed:
<br />That it appearing to the Hoard Yrom the report oP the County Account-
<br />ant thatin the year 1936 Orange County acquired title to 42 acres, more or
<br />leas, oP land in Chapel 8111 Township,lis tad in the name of Abel Johnson
<br />by tax foreclosure proceedings; and Purther that since said time the said
<br />Abel Johnson together with his daughter,heve paid DPP all "Deck taxes,lnter-
<br />est,penalties and costs:
<br />novr Therefore, in keeping vrl.th the soli cy oP this Hoard it is ordered
<br />that the Chairman end the Secretary ere cute a quitclaim deed Por Bald rea.t
<br />estate to A'oel Johnson to the end that same may 'oe delivered by the County
<br />Accountant.
<br />There "oeing no Purther 'pus Ines s,on motion ad,}ourned.
<br />C oilier Cob"n, Jr.
<br />S. E. ' ayrys Chairman
<br />C~-
<br />