Minutes - 19861124
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19861124
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373 <br />the main purpose of initially supporting the two acre minimum lot size <br />was to maintain the rural character of the area. He noted that the <br />interest of those homeowners in the Calavander area was in not seeing <br />high density housing in the rural area. Another concern was that water <br />and sewer not be extended out into the rural area because high density <br />would follow. He suggested that one way to address these concerns would <br />be to keep the one acre minimum lot size but to cluster developments so <br />that open space would be provided and dedicate this open space to protect <br />it from ever being developed. This would satisfy those concerns <br />expressed by those in attendance and those needs for affordable housing. <br />This density would make it economically feasible to run sewer and water <br />and provide other necessary services. <br />32. LARRY REID spoke in opposition to the proposal. <br />33. ANN JOYNER, Cedar Grove Township, spoke on behalf of Dolly Hunter. <br />She expressed concern that this regulation will cause developers to <br />leapfrog and come out into the rural agricultural section of the County. <br />34. BOBBY GRIFFITH spoke in opposition to the two acre minimum lot size. <br />He indicated he will have to pay double for the amount of land he <br />will need in order to build a house. <br />35. MERRILL FISHER spoke in opposition of th.e proposal. <br />36: ROY STRAND stated that sewer should be extended as far as possible <br />and the property to the west and north developed. <br />37. HENRY WELLS stated that water and sewer should be extended through <br />the entire County wherever feasible. <br />38. CHARLES HIGH spoke in opposition to the two acre minimum lot size. He <br />asked about the setbacks and Marvin Collins reiterated the dimensions. <br />39. DIANE RIGSBEE indicated she had been since June trying to get her <br />plan approved by the Planning Staff. She has paid out $600 for a survey <br />and would like to be able to move her trailer to her land. She felt it <br />the responsibility of the Planning Staff to inform her of any changes <br />that may affect her request. <br />40. WADE PARRISH spoke in opposition of everything proposed. <br />41. J. C. MCLAMB, resident of New Hope, stated it was not the place of <br />any body of government to tell people what they can do with their land. <br />42. JOSEPHINE BYRD spoke regarding some land that was sold to pay the <br />taxes. <br />43. HENRY WHITFIELD questioned why this proposal <br />the Planning Board and why a decision could not be <br />Willhoit explained the procedure in accordance <br />Whitfield asked if a petition would be in order to <br />acre lot requirement be dropped and asked that <br />petition for those in attendance to sign. <br />had to be returned to <br />made tonight. Chair <br />with the Ordinance. <br />request that the two <br />Collins draw up the <br />e. ARTICLE 6 - A lication of Dimensional Re irements 6.16.12 <br />Telephone Exchanges, et~;, al. <br />Collins presented for the receipt of public comment a proposed <br />
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