Minutes - 19861124
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19861124
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308 <br />Inc., and Mrs. Edna C. Harville. <br />UESTIONS AND ANSWERS OF CLARIFICATION <br />Several members of the audience asked questions of clarification.' <br />These were answered by Marvin Collins. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Lloyd, Collins explained <br />that the. 6% impervious ratio has no real relationship to the Rural <br />Buffer. It would apply indirectly for Planned Developments through <br />application of the open space ratio. It does not apply to individual <br />lots. <br />Collins explained that if there is a planned development in the Rural <br />Suffer whereby cluster units are proposed, the two- acre minimum would <br />still apply in terms of overall density. <br />Collins explained that any plan that has not received preliminary <br />plan approval or sketch plan approval in the case of phased developments <br />where at least one phase has received preliminary plan approval, will be <br />required to meet the two-acre minimum lot size if within the AR and R1 <br />district. <br />Several in the audience expressed the fact that they knew nothing <br />about any of the informational meetings or public hearings that were held <br />or the issues being discussed. <br />Marvin Collins explained that what is being presented for public <br />comment is a proposed zoning district designation. It has not existed ~> <br />before and the dimensional requirements that are being proposed have not <br />existed before. The two acre minimum lot size standard was approved as a' <br />part of the Joint Planning Area Plan. <br />Marvin Collins explained that the extension of water and sewer will <br />be controlled by the two acre minimum lot size requirement in that such <br />extensions are cost prohibitive for such large lots. <br />COMMENTS UESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR PLANNING BOARD <br />MEMBERS <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Lloyd, Collins stated that <br />the extension of water and sewer into the Rural Suffer will be prevented <br />from reaching that area. If water and sewer were allowed in the RB, <br />there would be a great deal of pressure to develop and the very low <br />density area that would be achieved by this change would be lost. <br />Collins explained that if a person owned three acres and wanted to <br />svrdivide, that each lot would need to have 1.6 acres or 80~ of the two <br />acre minimum lot size requirement. It would have to meet the 200 foot <br />width requirement - 80% of which would be 160 feet. <br />Chair Don Willhoit made reference to the number of <br />made nonconforming and asked if it was absolutely <br />Zoning Ordinance be amended to be consistent with the <br />that regard or could it be just a part of the Land Us• <br />prospectively to subdivisions. <br />Collins indicated it could be done but there would <br />contradiction in the standards contained in the two <br />lots that would be <br />required that the <br />Land use Plan in <br />Plan and applied <br />forever be a <br />ordinances and the <br />
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