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s <br />main provisions of the agreement. The revised Agreement proposes a new <br />distribution of responsibility between Orange County and Chapel Hill <br />which will eliminate same of the administrative difficulties encountered <br />.with the present agreement. He made reference to the Land Use plan which <br />was adopted by Chapel Hill and Orange County at the meeting held on <br />October 13, 1986 along with the text of the plan. Upon approval of this <br />agreement, Chapel Hili will prepare a zoning map for the transition area <br />employing their zoning district classification and development standards. <br />This map will be submitted to Orange County for their consideration. <br />Upon approval of this map, the Zoning Atlas and Zoning Ordinance will be <br />amended to incorporate that map and the Chapel Hill development standards <br />into the orange County Ordinance. Following adoption of the map and the <br />development standards, Orange County will administer its ordinances, <br />development standards, and Zoning Atlas designations in the rural buffer <br />portion of the Joint Planning Area. Within the transition area, the Town <br />of Chapel Hill will handle development applications including major <br />subdivisions, planned developments and special use permits. Orange <br />County would continue to review and comment on development applications <br />within those transition areas and also within the Town°s extraterritorial <br />jurisdiction. Likewise, Chapel Hill would have an opportunity to review <br />and comment an development applications within the rural buffer. He <br />explained the procedure for considering and approving amendments to the <br />Faint Planning Area Land Use Plan or to the Orange County Zoning <br />ordinance, including the Zoning Atlas. He made reference to the comments <br />from the Town of Carrboro and noted that agreement had been reached on <br />everything except the Land Use Plan. <br />County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill explainedTthat~~the +Agreementvdoes <br />not contain any of the particular division of responsibility within <br />Orange County or Chapel Hill that previous drafts Contained. Procedures <br />will be determined administratively by orange County and the Towns. <br />In answer to a question from Planning Berard member Sharlene Pikley, <br />Collins explained that the County would be given an opportunity to make <br />Comments on any development application within the Current entra- <br />territorial jurisdiction and within Chapel Hill's transition areas. Also <br />orange County would be given the right to Comment just as they would be <br />given the same right to review and comment an any development application <br />within- the rural buffer. The County will maintain control over any <br />amendments to the Zoning Plan and Map which will allow those who live in <br />the transition area to have a voice before the Board of Commissioners. <br />In answer to a question from Harry JaCObs about density in the <br />transition area, Collins noted that the Agreement does specify that the <br />zoning map which Chapel Hill submits to the County must Coincide <br />with the approved Joint Area Land Use Plan. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Roy Williford, Carrbaro Planning Director, made reference. to the <br />review of the areas outside of the transition area and Clarified that it <br />was not meant to exclude the term rural buffer but merely a rewrite of <br />section 2.4 of the agreement received earlier in the month. He referred <br />to the Land Use Plan and asked if Exhibit A is the same and where the <br />lines are drawn in terms of the lines which are currently being <br />negotiated by the .committee of three. He asked the location of the urban <br />transition line and if the land uses themselves would ever be amended. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained that Exhibit A will serve as the Land Use <br />Plan with the delineating lines - transition, rural buffer and the <br />dividing line between Chapel Hi11 area of influence as it has already <br />designated and the Carrboro area as it has already been designated. <br />