Agenda - 05-06-1998 -9g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-06-1998
Agenda - 05-06-1998 -9g
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Last modified
7/14/2010 3:43:14 PM
Creation date
7/14/2010 3:43:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980506
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4 <br />"I"lrc Iullowinb ordinance was introduced by Alderman Alex Zaffron and duly seconded <br />vy Alderman Jacquelyn Gist. <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON <br />TIIE PROCESSING OF SPECIAL AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT <br />APPLICATIONS FOR DL- VELOPI~IENTS ON PROPERTIES <br />WITHIN TI-IE NORTHERN STUDY AREA <br />Ordinance No. 9/97-98 <br />WHEREAS, in 1992 the Carrboro Board of Aldermen appointed a 31-member <br />Small Area Planning Work Group to develop a plan for the development of the Northern <br />Study Area as sho•,vn on the map attached hereto and incorporated herein; and <br />WHEREA;i, in February of 1996 the Small Area Planning Work Group <br />recommended to tl~e Board of Aldermen a plan developed by the Work Group for the <br />Study Area; and <br />WHEREA:i, as a result of concerns expressed about the proposed plan by <br />residents of the Study Area, the Board referred the proposed plan to a two-day facilitated " <br />planning conference sponsored by Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Orange County and <br />attended by approximately 150 residents of the area, planners, and public officials; and <br />WHEREAS, following meetings on April 19 and May 31, 1997, the facilitated <br />planning conference reached consensus on a plan for the Northern Study Area (the <br />"modified plan"); a.nd <br />WHEREAS, on August 19, 1997 the.Board of Aldermen unanimously accepted <br />the modified plan and on September 16, 1997 established and appointed the members of <br />an ordinance drafting committee to draft changes in the Carrboro Land Use Ordinance <br />that are necessary too implement the recommendations of the modified plan; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Aldermen recognizes that, whenever major revisions to <br />the land use ordinance are contemplated, uncertainty may be created as to the effect 6f <br />ordinance amendments on development applications that are pending if and when such <br />amendments are adopted; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board desires to avoid such uncertainty, to avoid the potential of <br />public and private resources being wasted if ordinance amendments render obsolete <br />development applications that do not comply with such ordinance amendments, and to <br />preserve the status yuo in terms of the development of major tracts within the Study Area, <br />pending the drafting; of ordinance amendments that are necessary to implement the <br />recommendations ofthe modified plan. <br />NOW, THE1tEFORE, THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF <br />CARR.BORO ORDAINS: <br />
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