Orange County NC Website
(2) <br />III. ABSTRACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT (SEE ATTACHED ABSTRACT.) <br />On a separate sheet, please describe in one well developed paragraph what will be accomplished with <br />the grant and matching funds, and how the project meets the goals of Legacy, North Carolina's <br />comprehensive historic preservation plan for the 1990s (see enclosed information). <br />Applications for architectural surveys should include the estimated number of acres and properties to <br />be surveyed. Archaeological survey project abstracts must be accompanied by a map (USGS Quad) <br />showing the area(s) to be covered and a narrative statement/estimate of the acreage to be covered. <br />Historic Preservation Office staff are available for assistance in developing the project description, <br />including an estimated budget (see contact information). <br />Please limit the abstract to three double spaced typewritten pages. <br />IV. BUDGET: AN ESTIMATE OF PROJECT COSTS <br />Below is an itemized budget for work to be accomplished with both grant and matching funds <br />during the estimated project period of 12 months beginning 7 -1 -98 and ending 7 -1 -99 <br />(Matching funds must constitute at least 40% of actual costs). <br />Budget Items: <br />Estimated Cost: <br />Principal Consultant* <br />$ 25,000 <br />Project Coordinator <br />2,000 <br />Film/Developing <br />1,000 <br />Mapping/GIS Coordination <br />2,000 <br />*Consultant's fee is all - inclusive of professional fee, travel, and per diem. <br />TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 30,000 <br />GRANT REQUEST $ 18,000 MATCHING FUNDS $ 12,000 <br />Budget Notes: <br />(1) Cash funds must be available for payment of direct costs, such as salaries or contractor fees, <br />travel, film and developing. Be sure that grant funds are matched with sufficient nonfederal cash <br />match to meet this requirement. <br />(2) In -kind contributions may include office costs, use of equipment, donated labor or material, <br />indirect costs (universities only), and project coordination, provided they are essential to the project <br />and property documented. <br />(3) Matching funds must constitute at least 40% of actual costs. <br />Send original and two copies (with Equal Opportunity Statement) by 1/31/98 to: <br />Grants Administrator, State Historic Preservation Office, N.C. Division of Archives and History, <br />109 E. Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 -2807. (See special deadlines for projects in CLG areas). <br />10 <br />