Orange County NC Website
12. 1'RUI'F,R"Tti' DISCLUSL'KE AND INSPEC"rIUNS: '~ <br />(a) Property Disclosure: <br />^ Buyer has receiveJ'a signet copy of the Residential Property Disclosure Statement prior W the signing of this Offer to Purchase ant Cunuact. <br />^ Duyer has NUT receive) a signet copy of the Residential Property Disclosure Statement prior to the signing of this Offer io Purchase ant Contract <br />ant shall have the right to terminate or withdraw this contract without penalty upon receipt of the Residential Property Disclosure Statement provide) <br />such tenuination or withdrawal notice is hand DelivereJ or mailed to Seller or Seller's Agent within three Jays following receipt of same. <br />^ Exempt from Residential Property Disclosure Statement because (SEE GUIDELINES) <br />^ The Property is residential ant was built prior to 1978 (Attach Leal-Base) Paint or Leal-Base) Paint Hazards Disclosure AJDendunt.) <br />(Ir) Properly Inspection: Unless ullterwiu: state) hcrciu, ur ;ts otherwise pnrvidal un an inspection aJDcndum attachcD hereto, Buyer shall have <br />the option ul' inspecting uc obtaining at Buyer's expense, inspections to determine the condition of the Property. Unless otherwise state) herein, it <br />is a condition ul' this contract that: (i) the built-in appli:utces•, electrical system, plumbing system, heating ant cooling systems, rtwf coverings <br />tinduJing (lashing and golfers), deKtrs aaD windows, exterior surLtees, xhuctural conywnents (itnauJing fuwlJatiuos, culunuts, chinmeys, IbHrrs, <br />walls, ceilings auJ cools), Iwrches unJ decks, fireplaces ;utJ Ilucs, crawl space and attic vattilaliun systems (il' aoy), water and sewer systems (public <br />ant private), shall be perlimuing the function for which imenJeJ ant shall Wert be in nee) of ilmtteJiate repair: (ii) there shall be nu unusual Drainage <br />l'UIIJIhU115 Ur CVldl.'Ul'L' UI L'Xl'eti,4lye IIWIStnfe aJVll:xay aIICI.'ting Dle tih'UCllll'e(ti); auD (iii) tla;ro shall lx no friable asbestos ur existing cnvirtnuncwal <br />cmuaminatiun. htspectiuns nmst be cuntpleteJ un ur belbre Buyer is advise) to have arty ins ~ctiuns <br />nraJe prior to iucutring,~nenses for closine and in suflicieut time to permit arty reyuireD repairs to be completeD by closin¢. <br />(c) 1VouD-Destroying Ltsecls: Unless otherwise state) hcrciu, Buyer shall have the option ul'obtaining, at Buyer's expense, a reptnt from a license) <br />pest control operator on a stanJard form in acconlance with the regulations of the North Carolina Structural Pest Control Committee, stating that there <br />was nu visible eviJence of woexl-Destroying insects ant containing nu inJication of visible Jantage therefrom. The report must be obtaineD in <br />wl ticient time su as to permit treaunent, if any, auD repairs, if any, to be completeD prior to closing. All treatment reyuireD shall be pail For by Seller <br />and completeD prior W closing, unless otherwise agrceD upon in writing by the parties. The Buyer is advised that the inscection report deuribeD in <br />this Itaragraphmpy not alw,1Ys reveal either structural Dantaee or Damage causeD by~yenL or organisms other than wtx>.J-Destroyjyp it, [sects. If new <br />construction, Seller shall provide a startdarD warranty of termite soil treatnteot. <br />(d) Kepairs: Pursuant to any inspections in (b) artJ/or (c) above, if •any repairs are necessary, Seller shall have the option of (i) completing them. (ii) <br />providing for their completion, or (iii) refusing to complete them. If Seller elects not to complete or provide for the completion of the repairs, then <br />Buyer shall h tion of (iv) accepting the Property iu i6s present condition, or (v) terminating this cont case all earnest monies <br />shall be refunded. Unless otherwise state) herein, ur as otherwise proviJed on an inspetaion aDJenJum attacheD hereto, any items not covered by (b) <br />(i), b (ii), b (iii) anD (c) above are exclude) from repair negotiations under this contract. <br />(e) Acceptance: CL y1N' IlA ONS'TI'1'U'I'EACCEI'1'ANCEOBEACIIOFTI(ESYS'1'F.M1IS,ITEMSANUCONUff10NSLISTEU <br />ABOVE IN ITS THEN EXISTING CONDITION UNLESS PKOVISION IS O'1'IIEKWISE MADE IN WRITING. <br />!3. REASONABLE ACCESS: Seller will provide reasonable access to Buyer or Buyer's representatives for the purposes of appraisal, inspection, <br />anJ/or evaluation. Buyer may conduct awalk-through inspeeaion of the Property prior to closing. <br />iJ. CLOSING: Closing slwll be JefitteJ ae the date attd time of recording of tlx: Dee). All Irarties •agree to execute any mxl all Jocmrtents artD papers <br />necessary in cuonectiun with closing and transfer of litk wt ur belbre .)uI12.1~1298 __ , at a place JesignateD by Buyer. <br />"etc deed i. a, be maDe to Orange County, North Carolina, P.O. Box 181, Hlllsboroueh, NC 27278 <br />I5. 1'US51iSS1UN: Unless otherwise providr:d herein, possession shall Ix: delivered at closing. lu the event possession is NO"T w be DelivereD at <br />closing: ^ a buyer possession before closing agreement is attache). OR, ^ a scaler p~ssessionafter closing agrcanent is attached. <br />Ifi. OTHER PROVISIONS ANU CUNUITIUNS: (ITEMIZE ALL AUUL'NUA'I'O TI IIS CON'1'KACT AND ATTACH IIEKETO. SEE LISP <br />OF STANDARD FOKM ADDENDA AVAILABLC•.) <br />See Exhibit B attached hereto. <br />17. RISK ON LOSS: The risk of fuss ur damage by tiro ur other casualty prior to closing slrall be upon Seller. [f the improvements un the Property <br />are Destroyed or materially Dautaged prior to closing, Buyer may terminate this contract by written notice delivered to Seller or Seller's agent and all <br />deposits shall be returned to Buyer. In the event Buyer does NO'C elect to terminate this cauract, Buyer shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the <br />Property, any of the Seller's insurance prtxeeds payable un account of the Damage or tkstruction applicable to the Property being purchased. <br />18. ASSIGNMENTS: This contract may not be assigned without the written consent of all p:uties, but if assigned by agreement, then this contract <br />shall be binding on the assignee altd his heirs art) successors. <br />19. PARTIES: Tltis contract shall be binding upon attd shall inure to the bettelit of the parties, i.e., Buyer and Seller and their heirs, successors ant <br />asrigns. As uxd heroin, worts in Utc singular ittcluJe rho plural :utd tlu: ntaxulinc itnauJcs flu; fewinittc •arxl neuter genJers, :u appropriate. <br />20. SUKV IV AL: If any provision herein contained which by its nature atJ effect is required to be observed, kept or performed after the closing, it <br />shall survive the closing auD remain binding upon and for the benefit of the parties hereto until fully observed, kept or performed. <br />21. ENTIKE AGREEMENT: Phis contract contains the entire •agreement of the parties and theft are no representations, inducements or other <br />provisions other than these expressed herein. All changes, •additions ordeletiotts hereto must be in writing aixl signed by all parties. Nothing containeJ <br />herein shall ahcr any agnY ntcnl lxawewt a REAI: COR' or broker and Seller ur Buyer as txauaineJ in any listing agrecrnent, buyer agcrx:y agrcentcnt. <br />or any other agency agreement between then[. <br />22. EXECUTION: This otter shall become a binding contract when sighed by both Buyer and Seller. This contract is executed under seal in signed <br />multiple originals, all uF which together constitute one aril the sartte instrument, with a signed original being retained by each party and each <br />REALTOR'or broker hereto, arttl the parties adopt the word "SEAL" besiJe their signatures below. <br />lF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS OFFER TO PURCHASE AND CONTRACT OR FEEL THAT IT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR YOUR <br />LEGAL NEEDS, YOU SHOULD CONSULT A NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY BEFORE YOU SIGN IT. <br />Buyer acknowled re having made an or -site •rsmtal examination of the Property prior to the making of U>ti r Qer. <br />ORANGE , NORTH 0 Z~ <br />By~ Buyer (St:nL) Seucr E.H. Keened C ~ (st•AL) <br />SS/i'ax (D <br />Buyer ~ (SEAL) Seller Eva F. Kennedy ~;,,,~ 4~ ~~,,.~,,, (SEAL) <br />SS/1'ax ID# SS/tax ID# ~~ <br />Date: Date: ~ - ~l-G - 9 4 ~ <br />I hereby ackuowlcDge receipt of the earnest nwney hcrciu set Curth and agree lu hold and disburse the sauce in accordrnce with the lernts <br />hereof. <br />Date Firm: <br />By: <br />Selling AgeuUFinn/I'home <br />Listing AgcnUFirnUPhone <br />^ Buyer's Agent <br />^ Seller's (sub)agent <br />Acting as ^ Dual Agent <br />^ Seller's (sub)agent <br />Acting as ^ Dual Agent <br />Printed by Jemse Williams & Co., Inc. ©1998 NC BAR ASSOCIATION-Form No. 2 NC ASSOCIATION Of REALTORS©, INC.-Form No. 2 <br />