Orange County NC Website
Rage 9 <br />-~- E. CONFiDENT1ALlTY <br />Aq information as to personal facts and circumstances obtained by Department personnel <br />in conneilion with the provision of services or other a~ ivity under this Contract shall be <br />privileged communication, shall be held confidential, and shall not be divulged without the <br />responsible person's wrtten consent except as may tie otherwise required by applicable <br />law or regulation. Such information may be diseased in summary, statistical, or other <br />form which does not dirac+,ly or indirectly identify particular individuals. <br />F. CM!_ RIGHTS <br />The Department shall assure that no person, on the grounds of race, color, age, <br />religion, sex, marftal status, immigration status, or nations! origin (unless <br />otherwise medically indicated) or otherwise qualifted handicapped individual solely <br />by reason of hisJher handicap be exduded from par5apation in, be denied the <br />benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity <br />covered by this Central. <br />2. The Department shall complete HHS Form 44t, Assurance of Compliance with <br />the Department of Health and Welfare regulations, under Title Vi of the Civil <br />Rights Act of 1964; for the Women, infants and Children Program, FNS-64, <br />Assurance of Compliance with the Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition <br />Service, under T"~ie Vt of the avil Rights Ad of 1964; and HHS Form 641, <br />Assurancz of Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. <br />3. The Amercan with Disabilities Act 1980 (ADA) makes it unlawful to discriminate in <br />employment against a qua(rfied individual with a disability and outlaws <br />discrimination against individuals with disabilities in State and local government <br />services and public accommodations. The Department certifies that it and its <br />prindpals and subpntrailors will comply with regulations in A.DA. Title <br />(Employment), T'rtie 11(Public Services), and Title 111 (Public Accommodations) in <br />fulfilling the obligations under this agreement <br />G. RES?ONSI81Lti lES OF T'r{E STATE <br />1. The State shalt provide to the Department upon request technical assistance in <br />the preparation of the Cunsofidated Contrail, Activity Budgets and Contract <br />Addenda <br />2. The State shall spelfy those administrative formsirepvrts and their respective <br />revision dates that are required by particular activities pertaining to the <br />Department's budget with the State in Listing of Required Fscal and Statistical <br />Reports (Addendum t) far the control period. New formslreports not listed in <br />Required Fiscal and Statistical Reports shall be implemented during a contract <br />period only with the approval of the State Health Cireilor. <br />3. The State shall prvide to the Department within thirty (30) days aver receiving an <br />acceptable actriity budget from the Depar`snent an approved signed copy of the <br />budget. <br />4. The State shall provide funds to the Department upon approval of the Control <br />Addenda, activity budgets, and signing of this cxantracL <br />5. The State shall assist the Oepartment to comply with all applicable laws, <br />regulations, and standards relating to the activities covered in this contract <br />