Orange County NC Website
Page 5 <br />2. V~Jomen, Infants and Children Program <br />~ll medical a ;uipment and computer equipment, regardless of cast and all <br />ether equipment with an acquisition cost of 5500.00 or more must receive <br />~rcr approval frm the program cf;ice. <br />3. ; re use of Na:emal and Child Heai`~h yledicaid fees for capital improvements <br />requires prior written approval from the Division of Women's and Children's <br />'realth. <br />C. FISCAL CONTRO!_ <br />1. The Cepartment shall comply with the Local Government budget and Fiscal Ccntroi pct, <br />North Carotira General Statute Chapter 1 ~9, ArtiGe 3. <br />a. Tile Department shall maintain a purchasing and procurement system in accordance <br />with generally accepted accounting prac`,ices and procedures set forth by the Local <br />Gover:;ment Commission. <br />b. The Oe~artment shall execute written agreements whit all parties who invoice the <br />. Department for payment for the provision of services to patients. <br />c. When subcontracting, the following conditions must be met: <br />1. i he Department is not relieved of arty of the duties and responsibilities <br />provided in this contrail. <br />2. fie subcontractor will agree to abide by the standards contained herein or to <br />provide such information as to allow the Department to comply with these <br />standards. <br />3. The subcontractor will agree to allow state and federal authorized <br />representatives access to any re~rds pertinent to its rote as a subcontractor <br />of the Department <br />4. The Oepar'Jnent +nn11 make available to the State upon request a copy of <br />subcontracts supported with StateJFederal funds. <br />d. The Cepartment must receive prior approval fmm the state to subcontract when any <br />of the following conditions exist: <br />1. The Cepartment propses to subcontract to a single enity frfty <br />percent (50°10) or more of the total state and federal funds made <br />available through this contract. <br />2. The Department proposes to subcontract fifty percent (50°l0) or more, <br />or 350,000 whid't ever is greater, of the total state and federal funds <br />made available through this contract for a single public health service <br />activity. <br />3. The pepartment proposes to subcontract for services in the Women, <br />Infants and Children Program. <br />