Orange County NC Website
I Town <br />of <br />H1115 <br />TO: John Link, Orange County Manager <br />FROM: Eric Peterson, Hillsborough Town Manager <br />DATE: April 22, 1998 <br />SUBJECT: Requested Agenda Items for Joint County/Town Meeting on May 12 <br />These are the items the Hillsborough Board of Commissioners would like to include on the agenda for our <br />May 12`h joint meeting with the Orange County Board of Commissioners: <br />1) Possible Annexation of the Fairview Community Park: This is an issue the Fairview residents <br />requested in their "Call to Action" Report. The basis for the neighborhood's request is so the Police <br />Department will have more flexibility (authority) to deal with problems if the park is within the <br />corporate limits of Hillsborough. <br />2) Consider the idea of placing the Proposed Community Center at the Fairview Park: If the <br />Hillsborough Board of Commissioners decides to fund the construction of the Fairview Community <br />Center in this year's budget, one option it ma,Y consider is requesting permission from the County to <br />place the Center in the current park. This option could benefit the Park by 1) Improving police <br />protection (since the Police Department could use the Center as a sub - station, especially the <br />Community Policing Officers) which may increase use of the park and decrease undesirable activity <br />in that area; 2) Placement of the Center in an "active" location would ideally increase interaction <br />between the community, Police/Sheriffs Departments, and local governments; and 3) Many different <br />opportunities would be created where the Park and Center could be used to compliment each other <br />(e.g., community events, meetings ,etc.). This would especially be true if the Fairview Park is <br />expanded in the future. is this a project Orange County may be interested in cooperating with the <br />Town of Hillsborough? <br />3) Discuss ideavissues related to expanding Fairview Park: This includes the possibility of using Park <br />Bond funds to pay for a feasi'oility study or' an active ;ports complex or expanded recreational facilities <br />at this location. Residents ,n the Fairview Corr : niry have also expressed an interest in having the <br />County provde additional playground equipment for small child.:en in the park, as well as <br />improved/regular maintenance. <br />4) Discuss appointment of Representatives to the River Park Steering Committee: The Town and <br />County each need to appoint an elected official to serve on this corgi =l=ee. <br />5) Discuss the Selection of a Name for River Park <br />6) Discuss Solid Waste Enforcement Issues in the County: The Town has received numerous complaints <br />from residents within the ETJ regarding trash accumulation that has led to rodent infestations. <br />cc: Mavor Johnson & the Hillsboroutrh Board of Commissioners <br />