Minutes - 19861006
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19861006
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8/14/2008 12:21:53 PM
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8/13/2008 12:49:08 PM
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c~~~ <br />can enforce to stop the noise at any time. Mr. Snyder disagreed; there <br />are ordinances which, when enforced, can stop the noise. He urged the <br />Board of County Commissioners to determine the accuracy of wording and <br />the validity of application of the ordinance to the above mentioned ~. <br />garage. The following petition was read by Mr. Snyder: , <br />"We the property owners and interested parties hereby petition you, <br />the Board of Commissioners to not allow the error in zoning to <br />invalidate any applicable ordinance or affect the enforcement thereof <br />based solely on the technicality of such and not to allow any change in <br />the zoning status of 3.3011 regardless of how or when i.t was zoned <br />without first making a thorough inspection of the premises and all <br />pertinent facts and making a determination as to the suitability of <br />subject property for any use as provided in all applicable ordinances." <br />Snyder continued that the disturbance from this property began in <br />January 1985 and has caused unnecessary hardships and much mental <br />anguish. <br />He asked that the Board of Commissioners to administer and enforce <br />all applicable .ordinances fairly to all interested parties. <br />Yuhasz inquired what use was on the property in 1984. Snyder <br />responded that Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall operated a small grocery and gas <br />station prior to their deaths in 1983. Between 1983 and January 1985, <br />a small engine repair shop was on the site. <br />Joe Atwell, resident directly across the street from the garage, <br />commented that even though Mr. Faircloth may have talked tv the <br />operators of the garage, the problem has not been corrected. <br />Mr. Faircloth stated that he desired to see the zoning error <br />corrected to EC-5 but if the problem continues he will ask the tenants <br />to vacate the garage. <br />2. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENTS <br />a. Inventor of Sites of Cultural and Geolo ical Si nificance <br />Presentation was made by Planner Brad Torgan. <br />This agenda item is to receive public comment on proposed text <br />amendments to the Land Use Plan. <br />Orange County contains many sites of cultural, historical, <br />recreational, biological and geological significance. Section IV-B-2, <br />Land Suitability , of the Subdivision Regulations contains a mandate to <br />the Planning Board to consider the overall design of a subdivision in <br />light of the suitability of the land for development. Land suitability <br />includes an investigation of historic sites and unique natural areas. <br />Although information has been available through a variety of local and <br />State agencies, it has never been compiled in one source, making it <br />difficult for the Planning Department and the Planning Board to <br />adequately assess the impact of subdivision proposals on such <br />resources. Furthermore, similar mandates are not present in the Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />In May of 1986, an inventory of cultural, historical, recreational, <br />biological and geological significance was completed. Incorporation of <br />
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