Minutes - 19861006
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19861006
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8/14/2008 12:21:53 PM
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8/13/2008 12:49:08 PM
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<br />~~ <br />the document into the Land Use Plan represents an important first step <br />in insuring the protection and/or preservation of significant natural <br />and cultural resources. If approved, specific mechanisms such as <br />incentive zoning, density transfers and cluster development can be <br />developed and/or utilized through which to achieve this goal. In <br />addition, public and private agencies and organizations can be <br />contacted for assistance in maintaining and managing significant areas. <br />As development pressures mount in Orange County, protection of <br />sensitive areas becomes even more critical than in the past. Astable <br />and varied natural environment, along with an appreciata.on of <br />historical, cultural, and. community resources are essential to a <br />healthy society. Current development patterns in the triangle suggest <br />that the natural environment is part of the high quality of life which <br />attracts new development and residents. <br />The County has already stated some commitment to the protection of <br />significant natural resources through policy statements and the <br />identification of some natural areas in the Land Use Plan, Floodway and <br />Streamway Building Regulations, and Public Interest District Zoning. In <br />the face of rapid growth, however, commitment to protection, and the <br />potential levels of protection need tv be expanded. <br />Current definitions of sites significant to the natural and <br />physical environment, along with rationales for protection, are <br />deficient when confronted by a doubling of the County's population in <br />the next 20-30 years. Additionally no comprehensive data base of sites <br />important to the natural and physical environment exists. This <br />proposed text amendment and accompanying appendix are designed to <br />remedy that situation. <br />Currently, the Land Use Plan speaks primarily to the protection of <br />large public and quasi-public holdings such as Eno River State Park and <br />Duke Forest. A recognition of the need for protection on large private <br />holdings or small sites of biological significance is much less <br />evident, even though the Triangle Land Conservancy and N.C. Natural <br />Heritage Program have identified over two dozen such sites in orange <br />Caunty that are home to endangered or threatened species and exemplary <br />geologic formations. The County also has no record of private lands <br />placed in reserve for wildlife generation (such as wildlife renew areas <br />or the Continental Timberlands site in Bingham Township) or passive <br />recreation (such as hiking trails in the Morgan Creek easements). <br />As for man-made additions to the environment, the Land Use Plan <br />speaks only to the protection of state or federally registered historic <br />buildings and archeological sites, ignoring literally hundreds of other <br />sites important to the history and culture of orange County. <br />Cemeteries, which as a group are currently unrecognized in the Land <br />Use Plan, offer a wealth of historical data on county resident and <br />early history. For early county residents it may be the only record as <br />vital records registration was not mandated until this century. State <br />law offers some protection from desecration but the laws cannot be <br />enforced if locations are not recorded. <br />The intent of establishing cemeteries in the Land Use Plan as <br />historically significant sites is not to preserve them at all costs. <br />Rather, it seeks to prevent past abuses, the using of gravesites as <br />dumping grounds for building construction or plowing under without <br />
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