Orange County NC Website
t• <br />Minutes <br />Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors I3urcau Hoard <br />Ucccmbcr 10, 1997 <br />The Chapel HillJOrange County Visitors Bureau Board met Wednesday, December 10, <br />1997, 8 a.m. at the Burwell School in [ Iillsborough. <br />Board Members Present: <br />Board Members Absent: <br />Lee Pavan, Chairman <br />Moses Carey, Jr. <br />Margaret Skinner <br />Catharine Callaway <br />Rick Strunk <br />Stephen [ lalkiotis <br />Hilliard Caldwell <br />Pat Cvans <br />Remus Smith <br />Nancy Davis <br />Staff Present: Shelly Green, Director <br />Betty Davis, Administrative Assistant <br />Guests: Ted Abernathy, Orange County 1:UC <br />Cathleen Turner, Alliance for I Iistorical Ilillsborough <br />Sandy Roberts, L1NC-CII Visitors Center <br />Joel Sheer, Sheer Associates, Marketing Agency <br />John Link, County Manager <br />Chairman Lee Pavan called the meeting to order at 8:05 at the 13urwc1l School. <br />` ~,~ <br />INTRODUCTION OF GtIES'I'S <br />Mr. Pavan welcomed members and recognized and greeted guests to the board meeting. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />Mr. Pavan made a motion that the minutes be approved as submitted. Mr. Rick Strunk <br />seconded the motion. With all board members in agreement the minutes were accepted. <br />BUDGET AND FINANCE <br />Mr. Moses Cary, treasurer, reported the visitors bureau was in "good shape" budget wise. <br />After discussion regarding the budget "draft" which was included with the board packet, <br />Mr. Halkiotis expressed concerns regarding tlie $30,000 cost for highway signs. T'l~e cost <br />for the signs increased $15,000 over the last eighteen tnontlls. Ms. Green explained the <br />4 <br />