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~ ~~ <br />~~ <br />Conservation Ordinance reverts back to the original action levels. with <br />tha first being 80~ instead of 90~. With the approval of these <br />revisions, the mandatory restrictions would be lifted and the voluntary <br />measures enacted. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by <br />Commissioner.Carey to adopt the modifications to the drought management <br />plan with the stipulation that the County review the ordinance with the <br />Division of Water Resources within six (6) months in preparation of any <br />problems in 1987. <br />Commissioner Lloyd expressed disapproval for maintaining in the <br />Ordinance the use of Lake Orange as the sole triggering device to <br />activate the stages and also for maintaining an instream flow of l.lmgd. <br />He proposed that the Ordinance be amended to include in the section that <br />states "in the event the water level of Lake Orange climbs to a stage 3 <br />elevation of water below Lake Orange spillway in feet" insert and if <br />Cor oration Lake and Lake Ben Johnston fall two feet or more below their <br />spillwav level ,with no release from Lake Orange. Commissioner Walker <br />seconded this proposed change in the Ordinance.. <br />VOTE ON THE AMENDMENT: AYES, 2 (Commissioner Lloyd and Walker); NOES, 3 <br />(Chair Willhoit and Commissioners Marshall and Carey). <br />VOTE ON THE MAIN MOTION: UNANIMOUS. <br />Commissioner Marshall requested that at the same time the Ordinance <br />is reviewed that the problem of the water going over Corporation Lake and <br />Lake Ben Johnston and the possible ways that can be handled without going <br />in and out of stages be reviewed. Commissioner Lloyd asked that this be <br />reviewed now instead of waiting six months. The County Manager indicated <br />that a study had been completed and the recommendation is against any <br />compensation or change because of the size of the two impoundments and <br />the fact that they must be manually operated during drought periods. <br />Chair Willhoit indicated that based on the recommendations of the <br />State and the County Manager and the vote of the Board of Commissioners, <br />there does not appear to be a willingness to review this item at this <br />time. <br />1. TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH RESOLUTION (A copy of the letter and the <br />resolution is on file in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office) <br />Mayor Sheffield presented and read a joint request on behalf of <br />Hillsborough and the Orange Alamance System. The two entities requested <br />that Lake Orange be raised by two feet. The resolution requested that a <br />study and selection of a site for a new reservoir be done immediately. <br />Marshall Spears spoke on behalf of a group of Lake Orange <br />property owners. He noted that a number of people who own property <br />around Lake Orange have used the 615 level as that which would be <br />established for Lake Orange. He indicated that to go beyond the 615 <br />level would mean condemnation which is expensive and time consuming. He <br />emphasized that the overall technical problems needs to be addressed <br />before the Lake can legally be raised two feet. <br />The concerns as expressed by Mayor Sheffield and outlined in the <br />joint letter were referred to the County Manager. <br />2. RESERVOIR SITE COMMITTEE (A complete narrative of the <br />composition, charge and timetable is in the permanent agenda file in the <br />Clerk's office). <br />Chair Willhoit presented for approval the composition, charge and <br />