Orange County NC Website
EROSION CONTROL FEES WITH NEW POSITION <br />SCHEDULE III <br />Fees: 60% Recove Current Fees 60% Recove 100% Recove <br /> Erosion Control Plan Review <br />per acre Intense Urban 5200 5292 5486 <br />per acre Urban 5155 5226 5377 <br />per acre Rural S88 5128 5214 <br /> Grading Permits <br />r acre Intense Urban 5490 5714 S 1,191 <br />per acre Urban 5365 5532 5887 <br />1~ acre Rural S88 5128 5214 <br />flat Private Roads S 109 S 159 5265 <br />flat Stormwater Mngt. Plans S78 5114 S 190 <br />Total Revenue with N ew Fees $142,060 <br /> <br />Fees with New Position: Mixed Recove <br /> Erosion Control Plan Review New Fees <br />per acre Intense Urban ( 70%) 5340 <br />per acre Urban ( SO%) S 188 <br />per acre Rural ( SO%) 5107 <br /> Grading Permits <br />per acre Intense Urban ( 70%) 5833 <br />per acre Urban ( 50%) 5443 <br />per acre Rural ( 50%) 5107 <br />flat Private Roads ( 50%) 5132 <br />flat Stormwater Mngt. Plans (@ 50%) S95 <br />Total Revenue with new fees $142,060 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />* This current recovery assumes a new position at 536,060 in salary and 59,015 in benefits. Add itional costs to th e county would be 545, 075. <br />Fees would have to be raised on avera e, to the 60% recove level 'ust to make u for the new ition. <br />~o <br />Page 1 <br />