Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 19, 1998 <br />REFERRED TO MAY 26 , 1998 QUARTERLY PUBLIC BEARING Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~ ®_d <br />ITEM D <br />SUBJECT: User Fee Review <br />DEPARTMENT: Finance/Budget PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) Na <br />BUDGET AMENDMENT: (Y/N) Na <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Report <br />Spreadsheets -Costs and Fee Schedule Options <br />Fee Comparisons from Other Jurisdictions <br />(under separate cover) <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Ken Chavious Ext. 2453 <br />Donna Dean Ext. 2150 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />Mebane 227-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To receive the second in a series of two reports from staff on proposed adjustments to <br />the County's schedule of user fees. <br />BACKGROUND: At the request of the County Commissioners, County staff undertook a review <br />of certain user fees charged by Orange County. There were two specific areas of Board interest. A <br />report on the first -fees related to development, such as Planning, Inspections, Environmental <br />Health, and Soil and Erosion - was presented at the Board's meeting on May 6. The second area of <br />Board interest was fees that had not been examined in detail within the past five years. <br />Fees have been reviewed and analyzed during the past two months by MPA interns with guidance <br />provided by the Finance and Budget Directors. Fees that have not been reviewed in recent years <br />are related to Recreation and Orange Public Transportation (OPT). A survey of corresponding fees <br />from surrounding jurisdictions was also conducted. A summary of the findings in these program <br />areas, and changes to recreation fees recommended by staff is included in the attached report from <br />the Finance Director. Unless the Board provides direction to the contrary, staff will prepare the <br />1998-99 operating budget to include the revenue anticipated from implementing on July 1, 1998 the <br />revised recreation fees recommended by staff. Staff needs direction from the Board concerning the <br />level of recovery that should be incorporated into the 1998-99 fee schedule and budget for certain <br />Transportation services. <br />Followup information requested by the Board regarding certain aspects of development related fees, <br />is provided in the attached Finance Director's report. The Board expressed interest in ensuring that <br />sufficient staff are available to provide timely and effective oversight of all soil and erosion control <br />activities, and to ensure that intense urban development pays an appropriate share of the cost for that <br />