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14 <br />criminal prosecution under this ordinance. Each day's <br />violation shall constitute a separate offense. <br />Sec. -S. Setting the Living Wage: <br />The Orange County Living Wage, effective July 1, 1998, <br />is $8.00 per hour. The Orange County Living Wage may <br />be revised from time to time by amendment to this <br />ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners <br />following a public hearing. <br />Sec. -6. Severability. <br />If any provision of this chapter or the application <br />thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, <br />the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or <br />application of this chapter which can be given effect <br />without the invalid provision or application; and to <br />this end, the provisions of this chapter are severable. <br />Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that this ordinance <br />shall take effect for all service contracts, construction <br />contracts and Orange County loan pool or economic development <br />loan or grant contracts entered into after July 1, 1998. <br />lsg -11 <br />livwg.ord <br />10 <br />