Orange County NC Website
3 <br />equity in a building of our own. Please see the attached fact sheet called "Considering a <br />Permrmerct Home". We have formed a committee of community leaders to help us examine the <br />issues in considering a permanent home. We have enclosed a packet of information about Day <br />Care Services Association and a list of our committee members_ <br />iN~e would like the opportunity to talk with you about this. We are asking the County to help us <br />meet the costs of this project through a $75,OOD contribution paid over a five year period, or <br />$15,000 a year. We believe this partnership of county dollars with other dollars raised for this <br />ef#ort will produce a beer space to serve families and child care providers in Orange County. <br />Please do not hesitate td rail if you have any questions. <br />Thank you for your wnsidEratinn. <br />Sincerely, <br />~hunton Baker, Pre5ldEnt <br />Board of Directors <br />~-- <br />Sue Russell <br />Executive Director <br />cc john Link <br />