Orange County NC Website
~U~1: 1J~ `Jtl U`J:iJ t:f.1 `J1:129JJy~U1 C1GUJ1V.~1 t1G:~L.tA ~uuJ <br />~ . ,. ~ ,. <br />;, <br />~a~i -~CaTe~::xvices Association <br />P.O. Bvx 9(3'i, Cfiupei iiiil, N,~rthC~alina 27514 <br />teleF+hone (919) 9fi7--3272 ~a*~+:~ (919) 967-768 <br />December ?3,1997 <br />Moses Carey <br />901 Lystra Lane <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />Dear Commissioner Cazey, <br />Day Care Services Association is seeking your support for our capital campaign to provide <br />permanent housing for our agency. We are currently trying to locate either a building to <br />purchase that would meet our needs now and in the future or a piece of land on which to build a <br />building to meet our needs_ We are asking the County to help us in this effort. <br />Since 1975 Day Care Services Association hob provided programs in Change County to improve <br />the quality of child care and to help parents pay for it. Last year 3b2 children received child care <br />scholarships so their parents could work or attend school. over 1,000 referrals were given to <br />Orange County faaulies trying to locate child care. The agency has made spectia! efforts to help <br />latinv families and families seen for services and support through the Orange County <br />Department of Social Services. Child care providers in the county received scholarships to <br />attend college through our T.E,A.C.H. Early Childhood Project; on-site technical assistance to <br />.upgrade the regulatory or accreditation status of their program and salary supplements <br />designed to address their low wages and to encourage continuing education and longevity with <br />their child care program. Children in four Northern orange centers and six Southern Orange <br />centers received over 215,000 meals from our kitchen, insuring a good nutritional program and <br />more efficient center management <br />The above is just a small sample of the innovative Services the agency prvvide5 in our <br />community. In a recec~t United Way community survey "child care issues" were ranked as the <br />number one need in Orange County. Clearly, the need for a quality, coordinated and effective <br />child care delivery systeu~ for our community is critical for our children's futxire success in <br />school, our families' ability to work and our community's economy_ The need ~ make welfare <br />reform successful. for fa~on.ilies will hinge fur many on the availability of a quality child care <br />placement. <br />We are writing to ask for help. Day Care Services Association has reached a point where we <br />have to literally limit our services and our growth because the space we occupy is too small. <br />Currently, there are over 30 different funded projects with over 45 staff people operating out of <br />4,400 square feet of office space. This space includes a reception area, a resource library for <br />providers and parents and a small conference room. In addition to overcrowded space, DCSA is <br />spending a large amount of money each year to rent space, money that could be used to build <br />Prc~mnting Affnrdahlo~ A~ra~ecihlo. H;gh;iy CF,;lri C'arP <br />V"'~~1 p~AICORPF <br />