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6 <br />2. Improving Information Base for Decision-Making/Building Strong Working Relationships. The <br />Association completed a detailed evaluation of the Environmental Management Commission's <br />draft rules for implementing the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management <br />Strategy and submitted extensive written comments to the State during the rulemaking process. <br />Several major concerns were expressed regarding the draft rules: (a) they do not adequately take <br />into account a party's relative contribution to the nitrogen loading problem; (b) they are <br />inequitable; (c) they will not result in cost-effective solutions to the nitrogen loading problem in <br />the Neuse River Estuary; (d) they represent another major unfunded mandate, and will require <br />that local governments incur substantial costs to comply with the rules; and (e) it is very unclear <br />how the State will implement and enforce the proposed rules. <br />3. Increasing Cost-Effectiveness/Developing Integrated Solutions. In partnership with Triangle J <br />Council of Governments (TJCOG), the Association requested grant funding from the North <br />Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund for development of a comprehensive strategy for <br />protecting and restoring riparian buffer areas and streambanks in the Upper Neuse River Basin. <br />The grant was approved by the Trust Fund, and the project is now underway through TJCOG. <br />The study is expected to (a) assist local governments, land trusts and others in developing grant <br />proposals for riparian buffer protection efforts, and (b) help funding agencies target the use of <br />funds that may be available for riparian buffer protection efforts. <br />4. Improving Information Base for Decision-Making/Developing a True Local-State Partnership. <br />The Association has undertaken an evaluation of local and state sediment and erosion control <br />programs, and is now studying recent proposals for strengthening the State's sedimentation <br />pollution control program. The Association's Technical Advisory Committee is currently <br />preparing a draft position statement on these proposals. <br />5. Increasing Cost-Effectiveness. The Association, in cooperation with Triangle J Council of <br />Governments, has provided local governments with information and assistance concerning the <br />development of grant proposals to the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund. <br />One Association member, the Town of Hillsborough, has received tentative approval for a <br />$254,000 grant from the Trust Fund for acquisition of riparian lands along the Eno River. <br />THE ASSOCIA.TION'S PLANNED FUTURE ACTIVITIES <br />The Association's Board of Directors has concluded that the Association should develop a <br />comprehensive, integrated watershed management plan for the Upper Neuse River Basin. The <br />proposed plan would be developed in partnership with the State, and would support and build <br />upon existing local and state government water resource management efforts. In accord with <br />the provisions of Senate Bill 114, the plan would include: <br />(a) an assessment of water quality and related water quantity management in the Upper Neuse <br />River Basin; <br />(b) a description of the goals and objectives for protection and improvement of water quality <br />and related water quantity management in the basin; <br />(c) a workplan that describes proposed water quality protection strategies, including point and <br />nonpoint source programs, for achieving the specified goals and objectives; and <br />implementation strategy including the specified tasks, timetables for action, and <br />implementation responsibilities of State and local agencies; and sources of funding, where <br />applicable; and <br />LTNR.BA Executive Summary (2/98) <br />