Agenda - 05-19-1998 - 9h
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-19-1998
Agenda - 05-19-1998 - 9h
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7/12/2010 4:15:49 PM
Creation date
7/12/2010 4:15:42 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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4 <br />Ms. Margaret Brown <br />Apri124, 1998 <br />Page Two <br />Attachment #2, and unanimously agreed that Directors should request their respective member <br />governments to consider providing financial support to the Association in the amounts shown in <br />that table. For Orange County, the requested funding amount is $7,609. The Association also <br />decided to pursue (a) an appropriation from the General Assembly during the 1998 Short <br />Session, and (b) grant funding support from state and federal agencies and the private sector. <br />I am very pleased to report that to date, 12 of the 141oca1 governments with planning and zoning <br />jurisdiction in the Upper Neuse River Basin have already committed $66,350 to fund the <br />Association's efforts during Fiscal Year 1999. Eleven of those 12 jurisdictions agreed to provide <br />the full amount requested. Additionally, it is expected that Franklin County will act on this <br />request in the near future. <br />These local governments have concluded that participation in the Association's efforts can result <br />in important benefits, including but not limited to: (a) promoting sustainable management of our <br />water resources to protect public health, environmental quality, and economic vitality; (b) <br />increasing cost-effectiveness in developing and implementing solutions for addressing water <br />resoures objectives; (c) developing a true local-state partnership to resource protection, as an <br />alternative to the traditional top-down approach driven by federal or state mandates; (d) <br />improving the information base for decision-making; (e) building stronger working partnerships <br />at the local level; (f) gaining stronger public support for water resource protection efforts; and (g) <br />obtaining supplemental resources to accomplish local goals and objectives. <br />The Upper Neuse River Basin Association Board of Directors hopes that the Orange County <br />Board of Commissioners will join other local governments in recognizing and supporting the <br />potential benefits of the Association's efforts. It is requested that the Board of Commissioners <br />consider and approve local funding support in the amount of $7,609 for the ongoing efforts of <br />the Association. It is understood that if the Association does not demonstrate continuing benefits <br />for member governments, then Orange County and other participating local governments may <br />decide to discontinue funding support for the Association in future years. <br />The Board of Directors of the Upper Neuse River Basin Association sincerely appreciates the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners' consideration of this request. Please do not hesitate to <br />contact me at 890-3050 if I can answer any questions you or your fellow Board members, or the <br />County staff, may have about the Association's efforts and this request for Orange County's <br />funding support. <br />Sincerely, <br />~) <br />Tom Fetzer, Chair <br />Upper Neuse River Basin Association <br />cc: John Link, Orange County Manager <br />
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