Orange County NC Website
UPPER NEUSE RIVER BASIN ASSOCIATION <br />APPROACHES FOR FUNDING BASIC OPERATING SUPPORT <br />POSSIBLE FUNDING OPTION 2 <br />Cost Allocation: 10% Allocated By Uniform Participation; 50% Allocated Based on Water Demands; and 40% Based on Local Area in Upper Neuse River Basin <br />NOTE: THIS IS ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING DISCUSSION. THIS IS NOT A RECOMMENDATION OF THE ASSOCIATION'S <br />BOARD OF DIRECTORS OR TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. <br />Assumed Annual Funding Lavel For Basic Operating Support: $72,500 <br />Funding <br />Factor BASIC PARTICIPATION RATE <br />10.0% WATER DEMANDS <br />50.0% JURISDICTION'S LAND AREA tN UPPER <br />NEUSE RIVER BASIN 40.0% <br />I <br /> Share of Funding: $7,250 Share of Funding: $36,250 Share of Funding: $29,000 <br /> Local Government <br /> <br />Jurisdiction's Owned Water Systems <br />Cal. Year 1996 Proportionate <br />Share of <br />Jurisdiction's Jurisdiction's <br />Acreage Proportionate <br />Share of <br />Jurisdiction's JURISDICTIONAL COSTS <br /> Jurisdiction's <br />Share Sub-Share <br />o! Cost Average Day Water <br />Demands in MGD Demands <br />and Costs Sub-Share <br />of Cost Within <br />Watershed Watershed <br />Acrea a Sub-Share <br />of Cost Jurisdiction's <br />Total Costs % of <br />Total Cost <br />Butner 7.14% $518 2.19 3.22% $1,168 16,000 3.11°k $901 $2,587 3.57% <br />Creedmoor 7.14% $518 0.278 0.41`Y° $148 1,$10 0.25% $74 $740 1.02% <br />Durham Cit 7.14% $518 27.26 40.11% $14,541 18,890 3.28% $951 $16,010 22.08% <br />Durham Count 7.14% $518 N/A 131,600 25.55% $7 409 $7,927 10.93° <br />Franklin Count 7.14% $518 NJA 5,315 1.03% $299 $817 1.13% <br />Granville Count 7.14% $518 N/A 68,575 13.31% $3,861 $4,379 6.04% <br />Hlllsborou h 7.14% $518 1.63 2.40% $869 1,290 0.25% $73 $1,460 2.01% <br />Oran a Count 7.14% $518 N/A 125,950 24..45% $7,091 $7,609 10.50% <br />Person Count 7.14% $518 N/A 83,130 16.14% $4,680 $5,198 7.17% <br />Ralei h 7.14% $518 36.6 53.86% $19,523 95 0.02% $5 $20,046 27.65% <br />Roxboro 7.14% $518 N/A 375 0.07% $21 $539 0.74% <br />S & W Districts' N/A NIA N/A $0 0.00% <br />Stem 7.14% $518 N/A 510 0.10% $29 $547 0.75% <br />Wake Count 7.14% $518 WA 64,030 12.43% $3,605 $4,123 5.69% <br />Wake Forest 7.14% $518 N/A 20 0.00% $i S519 0.72% <br />TOTAL: 100% $7,250 67.956 100% $36,250 515,090 100% $29,000 $72,500 100% <br />(TAC: 2/12198) `NOTE: S & W Districts receive funding from Counties. <br />