Orange County NC Website
Attachment II <br />9 <br />Proposal From The Triangle United Way <br />Proposal to Orange Gonnty Government <br />Re: gauge Resource Caanettion <br />~sessmcat <br />Grange Rcsourc- Conaaxion will dtvclop an ass~~mcut tool to address the arras of <br />concern stated by the Orange County government <br />1. Design as asscssmeai tool to analyze the present system <br />2. Conduct face to face intcrviears about the system with users <br />3. Inquire how agcncirs use the system at pttscat (i.e. as a resousc~ for data collation, <br />rtportzn$ caPalnlities, etc-) <br />4. Determ~iuc what hosiers exist with the system <br />5. Determine tacpec-iadans of the system , <br />1~ <br />UDd1t2n~aIIti IDtinLiiaiaE tht dstx <br />1. Curttntly the database is being fully updated on an annual basis <br />2. Updating is being done at a central location, by mat~Iing prograrnrrtatic information to <br />the ageu~cies, with a rtsponx time of two months <br />3. Information is being updated into the system and will be distributed to the agencies <br />when all the data is titan and updat~cd <br />4. Devcloging an iatemet site for the users would be fruitless at this point, we do not <br />know the difficulties the use=s fact with day to day operation of the Iris software <br />system; we do however cansidcr this to be a potential goal for the future <br />System Sunoart <br />1. Iderltify areas of a system support <br />2. Support the development of the softwar.: package <br />3. Provide training to current users and new users, tither in a classrooza seeing or at <br />individual agencies <br />4. Provide troublcshaotiag for the softwa.rc package.. If our assistance could not hcIp <br />solve the problem we would refer them to Bcuchtnark, makers of the IItis soRu+arc <br />package (This can be costly and the County tray need to pwrchase support hours from <br />Benchtriarlc) <br />~. yionitor usage of IRis software and provide txhnical assistance to help advance the <br />usage <br />6. We will not address hardwart nceds of the users i.e.: old computer systems, no <br />spare.- on hard drive, hard drive making strange noises etc. All of these questions have <br />already been asked. We Will attempt to provide techaie~l assistance via our Tram <br />Tech project, to object2vely assess current operating rystema and sugQ,est a <br />volunteer to assist them in their psrticulAr dikmms <br />