Orange County NC Website
8 <br />Task I2 -Announcements <br />This task includes the development and dis~bution of information about the ORC <br />to the news, radio and tclcvision media as wcll as the World Wide Wcb. The HSSA will <br />develop public service announcements to ruakc the communty taore aware of the ORC <br />and asange for repeated messages about the service. The Publications staff at the School <br />of Social Work will assist with these announcements. <br />Task 13 - Brochurzs <br />The HSSA, with the assistance of the School of Social Work's Publications Unit, <br />will develop 3 di.$arent ORC brochures that the County can then have duplicated as <br />needed. Posters, magnets, and handouts can also be used to publicize the system. <br />Yhnse 6 - OIIIine Read-onto Version <br />'This phase includes the development of a .read-only vc:Zion of IRas for the World <br />Wide Web that emulates the current read-only version. This version would have utultiplc <br />starch capabilities allowing the user to locate a program not Daly by keyword, but also by <br />location and spelling matches. This wcrsivn will recd to be updated on a regular basis <br />and the data firom the main IRis database can be used. Hvw~ver, this procass cannot be a <br />simple importlaxgQrt process. It will approximately 4 hours each time tFus is needed. <br />The HSSA web progranuncr will do this at least once a month. <br />Summary <br />?his proposal covers the assessment, update, support and marketing for the <br />ORC's information and referral system and the Orange Book. The outcome of the work <br />in this proposal is to gain a better understanding of the expcctatians of the information <br />and referral system at this point in time, define.succcss for the systems and understand <br /> to a successful system. The county can. also expect a major update of the data, a <br />mechanism for updating the data through tha Internet, and the distribution of the updated <br />system. The HSSA will provide rystem support and installation to these organizations <br />using the system as wcll as regular trainioag on, the system. Thal will help reduce <br />technical barriers to the systcza for the users,.allow for skits cart and teach new u$crs <br />about the system on a regular basis_ The project will also make available a hard copy of <br />the information and referral system as well as a read-only Internet version for alternative <br />usage. Orange County can also' expect the system to be marketed to the community to <br />increase awareness of services in Orange Count}' as wcll to market the rystem to more <br />users in the county. <br />