Orange County NC Website
6 <br />The second instrument will be sent to system users to assess the use of, <br />satisfaction of, and barriers tv using the system. Again this ins-rni.mcnt will be mailed and <br />follow-up phone calls vrill be made for unrcturned surveys. We will not aaaly2e data <br />until 75% of surveys are zetumed. Art addressed envelope, a letter explaining the purpose <br />of the survey, and kow to complete it will accompeny both instrcztncnts. <br />Task 3 -Analyze Data <br />Once 75% of thz surveys arc returned, the data will be analyzed. The results will <br />be sununarized and presented to Orange County at an agreed upon time. <br />Phase 2 - Updatiae the l:uformatifln and Referral System , <br />The datat~ase is only as good as the data is the database. If the dare is otiidatcd, <br />the systcrn is less us~fuL This phase includes updating the cturcnt database as well as <br /> an Internet update system. <br />Task 4 -Develop an Internet Unc~ate System <br />An Internet update system will allow as agency to update i-ts information anytime <br />online and have it sent to the data administrator to ezaer into the system,. 'ibis will reduce <br />the aced for large Yearly updates and allow the database to be updated whenever <br />necessary. It will reduce the time agencies spend updating the paper form as well as <br />reducz the databast administrator's time in chauang the data. With more sad store <br />agencies having access to the Internet, this method is being used more often to update <br />information and referral systems. <br />Tas_ k~U~date Marline <br />Sonic organizations still do not have access to the Irrteraet and will have to <br />manually update their information. Therefore, we will still aced to do a mailing until the <br />lntemet system is developed and all ozganirztioas have access to the Internet This ' <br />mailing will also ask organizations about their knowledge of agencies that ,are not <br />curxendy on the database. <br />Task 6 -Update Database Y ' <br />Update information will be catered into the system as it is received, After the <br />system is updated, the database will be distributed to each organization that is using the <br />databasr. • <br />Phase 3 -System Support <br />• This phase includes supporting the software, hasdwa.~-c and earning for the <br />system. The system currently is not being used as widely as Orange County would like <br />partly because users are not trained to use it, poor comRutcr cg4ipment or lack of need for <br />the system. Because of the lack of training of current users and the often high turnover of <br />human services employees, ongoing training is accessary for this system. <br />Task 7 -Installation and Sutlvort <br />For this task, the HSSA staff will install the OKC system at ~y site with a <br />computer that can handle the software. If problems occt.ri with the system, we will make <br />