Orange County NC Website
Hertford Counties. This particular implcmcntation wilt be extended to I Q more eastern <br />counties in the near future. We have also been involved with the assessment and <br />adoption of I & R systems in Forsyth. Buncombe, Madison, Henderson, Transylvania and <br />Ctavcn Couurics. <br />$ack <br />. q~und <br />During the fall and wiIItcr of 1996, the Advisory Board of the Orange Resource <br />Connections defined and helped implement an information wad referral system to be used <br />by human srnice providers is Orange County. The Advisory Board wanted the rystcm <br />to be accessibic to anyone in the county who weeded it, Ieadzng to collecting data from <br />the system to assess community needs. Due to a lack of project funding, the software <br />necessary to develop the data collection system was not purchased initially but the <br />County and United Way planed tv put this plan into place eventually.. Although many <br />more programs wad a;rncics have access to updated data, no more software has been <br />purchased to implement the assessment plans. There is also question as to whether the <br />system is being used successfully and meeting expectations. An attempt leas been made <br />to assess the program's "success"; however, expectations and success were never <br />defined. <br />This pr~opasai includes a baseline measurement of cxpe~ctazions and success, as <br />well as the dcvelopmcrrt of assessment goals. Six activities (phases) aze proposed to <br />support the entreat call-in system. These include as assessment, updating mechanisms, <br />development of the Orange $ook, system support, a mazkctiag plan and a World Wide <br />Web read-only version of the ORC. ` <br />~~I3Se 1 - ASSt.73Bient _ <br />This phase will include 3 tasks: dcvcloping assessment instruments, assessing the <br />sys-em and analyzing the data. The Information and Referral assessment will include <br />questions about cxgcctations for the system, if the system is meeting expectations, and <br />what changes need to be made to allow expe~ctativns to be reached and to overcome <br />barriers to the system. The assessment will also include questions about what kind of <br />data the County needs thz system to retrieve. <br />Task L- Devclon Assessment lustrtuncnts <br />One instrument will be developed to tncasurc the expectations of an information <br />and referral system. A second instrument will be developed far users of the rystcm as to <br />their use of the database, data and reporting needs, barriers to using the systcm~ and <br />changes that are needed. Faculty members at the School ,of Social Work will review <br />these instruments foz ficc validity. <br />Task Z -Assess Users <br />The first instrument will be sent to rystem users and county leaders to obtain <br />information on expectations for the system. The instrument will be mailed to recipients, <br />and follow-up phone calls will be made to obtain the information from unrcturncd <br />surveys. We will not analyze data until we have 75% of surveys returned. <br />