Agenda - 05-19-1998 - 9g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-19-1998
Agenda - 05-19-1998 - 9g
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Last modified
7/12/2010 3:46:15 PM
Creation date
7/12/2010 3:46:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980519
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Attachment I <br />4 <br />Prapossl to Orazzge County Government: <br />Assessing, Clpdating and Supporting the Orange Resource Cannectioa <br />T'he Humsn Services Smart Agency <br />The Human Services Smart Agency is a program of the University of North <br />Carolina's School of Social Work. Established in 1992, the program is designed to <br />improve the quality and efficiency of human services for the people of North Carolina <br />and the nation through promoting the eF'cctive use of autocnatiorz technology. The Smart <br />Agency promotes evaluation, aiucatioa, research, and demonstration models of new and <br />useful technology far the human sezviccs. Sgecif~cslly, the Smart Agency provides: <br />• assistance with automation planning and implcmcntativn for public and private <br />human services agencies, . <br />training for human service professionals and students about current and <br />developing trends in autQmation.and information systems, <br />• dcvelopmevt and demonstrations of model environments which simulate human <br />service agency operations and their decision-making processes, and <br />• `~uation-of new automation-models and informatio~te~alogies~Lhuman <br />~zas~s. <br />As part of the School of Social Work, the Smart Agency also serves the teehtrieal support <br />needs of the School and of community agencies working with the School of Social Work_ <br />Ia our work with human sazvice agencies in past years, we have become <br />convinced of the importance of automaziofl fvz the following reasons: <br />• Human service agencies can reap the benefits possible through limited automation <br />Judicious use of technology should slow the expansion of staff and improve the <br />quality of services offered. . <br />• Automation is greatly aided by developing a plan. An automation plan allows <br />everyone to know and share expectatioru and then work toward similar goals. <br />Staff training is central to the successful use of computers in human service agencies.. <br />Timely and effective training is the best way to prevent personal computers from <br />becoming expensive paperweights. <br />• UnderStandiug the needs of the agencies that request automation will help reduce <br />unnecessary technology. <br />The following project proposal uses the experience of the School of Social Work <br />faculty and the staff of the Human Szrviccs Smart Agency (HSSA} to help the Orange <br />County support the continued work of the Orange Resource Connection. Specifically, <br />this proposal wi11 give Orange County the opportunity ro assess the current Information <br />and Referral, update the system, give system support to the users, and help develop a <br />.marketing strategy. <br />The HSSA is submitting this proposal because of our interest in and c,Yperience <br />with Information and Rcferzal in North Carolina. Faculty and staff i.n this program have <br />been directly involved with the evaluatio~a of the software, and irnplcmcntation of the <br />IRis system in Orange and Durham Coundcs, as we11 as Pitt, Beaufozt, Martin, Bcnie and <br />
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