Orange County NC Website
' Advisory Board ib <br />We propose to use an advisory board with representatives from the following agencies: <br />• County Commissioners' Office <br />• County Manager's Office <br />• Dept. of Social Services <br />• Interfaith Councd <br />• OCIM <br />• Library <br />• Partnership for Young Children <br />• Department on Aging <br />• Nonprofit Agencies (4) <br />• Orange County's Human Services Management Team (HSI~tI') <br />The charge to this advisory board would be to develop an evaluation instrument to <br />measure the effectiveness of the system and to serve in an advisory capacity. <br />Future Initiatives ,~~. , <br />• providing the guide is Spanish <br />• providing access through computers Iocated at various community centers, fre <br />stations, etc. throughout the County <br />Results and Outcomes: <br />1. Information aad referral to all Orange County residents <br />2. Single point of entry into a complex social service network <br />3. Centralized database of health and human services <br />4. Linkage to providers by electronic network <br />We do not feel the County should be in the business of collecting statistical data or doing <br />statistical analysis of unmet needs, demographics, pertinent geo~aphic information ar <br />gaps in services. Many other organizations perform this service in the County so it would <br />represent a duplication of effort. <br />The computerized information system will provide a way for agencies to collect this <br />information including client specific information, jeogt'aphic information, age, need, how <br />they heard of their service and issues surrounding their specific problem. This information <br />would be best collected by the human service and non-profit agencies. <br />