Orange County NC Website
12 <br />Attachment III <br />MEMO RATIDLIM <br />TO: Albert Kittrell, Assistant County Manager <br />FROM: Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk to the Berard ~,~~~¢~ <br />DATE: March 23, i 998 <br />SUBJECT: INFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICE PROPOSAL <br />i have attached my proposal for.providing information and referral services to the <br />Orange County servke agencies and to the cftfzeru of Orange County. <br />My proposal builds upon a cailaborative effort between the Cler'k's office and the <br />human servke agencies for providing inforrnatfon and referral services_ This collaboration includes <br />the County's Human Servkes Analyst Posftion which is intended to coordinate and develop <br />appikattoru for human services. Most importantly, tfiis collaboration will provide continufry with <br />the County's human service deparunenu through the Human Services Management Team. These <br />departments are important because they work every day with citizens who may need to access other <br />resources. <br />The library will serve as the focal point far citizens to access the information <br />through the World Wide Web or through the Orange Book. <br />By involving human service agencies and the County's human servke departments, <br />the citizeru of Orange County will benefrt through improved access. <br />I have tried to be comprehensive and al( inclusive in my proposal. If I have missed a <br />key issue, please let me know. If you have questions about my proposer(, please contact me at <br />exceruion 213Q. <br />Thank you for your consideration of my proposal to sere the citizens of Orange <br />County by providing access to the resources available in Orange County. <br />