Agenda - 05-19-1998 - 9g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-19-1998
Agenda - 05-19-1998 - 9g
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Last modified
7/12/2010 3:46:15 PM
Creation date
7/12/2010 3:46:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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10 <br />UDdsting the Orange Book <br />I . The Orange Book wiII be produced annually <br />2. Currtnt updated information in the database w~I be used as the body of the Orange <br />Book <br />3. Iksigtuag the layout and format of informatioa, categories, conter~ keyword search <br />and ! or alghabeiical index <br />4. Solicit bids from community printzrs to produce Orange Book <br />5. Decide whether advertising is a pota~tial means to support cost of the directory (if <br />this is the route taken, decide who can advertise in the Orange Book -health and <br />human service providers, and for profit businesses) <br />6_ Research having the dtrcctory undtrwritGen by a Iocal business <br />TeImhoue Gll-In Systcao~ <br />1. CurrcatIy being administered by Wake County staff <br />2. Orange Resouzu Coancaran will maintain the local telephone system as it was <br />originally designed <br />3. Call volume will be measured on the current inter-rive software package <br />4. Statistical data will be generated. on demographic information, including where, <br />when, what, and why clients called the telephone Line <br />5. Fallow-np on pc~catage of collets. This wiU allow for accurate ~i aad <br />utili~tion of the refeaals and allows ORC to stay cognizant of services not being <br />provided, via the unmet needs report (sre enclosed chart) <br />M~rketiag <br />1. Identify haw Orange GounrylCommunity presently idcntif es with ORC <br />2_ Develop a long tee public relations plan <br />3. Design PSAs, brochures, bookmarks, phone stickers, ma~ets and other items as <br />needed <br />4. Design infornzaiion to rta~ch targeted audiences who would not ordinarily know of the <br />service (newcomers, Spanish-speaking adults, teens, etc.) <br />5. Identify language barriers to promote better utili~on of the service <br />6. Continue to provide information tv marketing staff in order t,o advance PR <br />throughout the region vie Triangle United Way, including the web site, quarterly <br />nEwsletters distributed to corporations, acid nocrprofit agencies <br />The Ututcd Way, will continue to approach additional funding soarers to support the future <br />sustainability of the information and referral service in Orange County. Therefor we will seek to <br />reduce reliance on any one funding source allowing this service to be a truly cooperative system_ <br />
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