Orange County NC Website
Telecasting Orange County Commissioners Meetings: <br />Request for Consulting Services to Equip County Facilities <br />from <br />Orange County Cable Television Citizen Advisory Committee <br />April 22,1998 <br />Request <br />In order to equip, the Orange County Southern Human Services Center to telecast County Commissioners <br />meetings and other public meetings, the Cable Television Advisory Committee (CTCAC} requests that the <br />County Commissioners: <br />• Approve funding up to $5000 to retain the services of an audio-visual design consultant to produce the <br />design for the facility; and <br />• Review the attached Facility Options (Basic and Premium Options) and select one, to serve as a guide for <br />the CTCAC and audio-visual consultant. <br />2 <br />Background <br />In order for cable-casting of County Commissioners' meetings to begin in the fall of 1998, progress must be <br />made now on the decisions affecting how to equip the Southern Human Services Center for the broadcasts. The <br />portion of the cost to be borne by the County is uncertain since the re-franchising negotiations with Time <br />Warner may result in Time Warner contributing a substantial portion of the cost of the equipment. Because <br />these negotiations are not expected to be completed until summer, the County can concurrently plan the facility <br />design. This will allow the County to award a contract at the end of the summer for the purchase and <br />installation of the equipment. <br />The Cable TV Citizens Advisory Committee and County staff do not have the expertise to design the setup and <br />select the necessary equipment. Retaining a consultant now will enable the following to happen: <br />• A well thought-out design that is both highly functional and cost-effective; <br />• Design input from all interested parties while franchise negotiations are underway; <br />• Creation of a set of ordering documents so that purchasing and installation can occur immediately after <br />agreement upon a franchise. <br />Process <br />The CTCAC will guide the activities of the consultant based on the input it receives from the commissioners, <br />county administrators, citizens (including People's Channel representatives), Triangle J Council of <br />Governments, and the CTCAC itself, iterating as necessary to achieve a satisfactory set of deliverables as <br />described below. <br />The CTCAC will present the results of the process to the Commissioners for their consideration upon their <br />return from summer recess. At that time, the status of the franchise negotiations will be clearer, and the <br />Commission will be able to act with full information about the total cable television issue. <br />