Orange County NC Website
., <br />' ~ 2 <br />hospitalized soon thereafter. Upon these discoveries, enforcement activities were <br />postponed. <br />After more complaints, site investigation resumed in June 1997. Site inspection <br />revealed that the premises remained in violation. On September 12, Mr. Gary Hill <br />stated in a telephone conversation with the Zoning Enforcement Officer, that the <br />mobile home would, "... be moved next week." With no evidence of progress toward <br />compliance, on October 1, a letter warning of the assessment of civil penalties was <br />sent. Complaints persisted, and Mr. Gary Hill was visited on the premises on Monday, <br />December 1. He said, "The mobile home will be gone by Friday." Still there was no <br />progress to correct the violation. On January 26, 1998, a third letter was sent stating <br />that the Zoning Enforcement Officer would now approach the Board of County <br />Commissioners to request assessment of civil penalties. There has been no response. <br />Nothing has been heard from the Hills about the matter. <br />If assessments were made at $100 per day (the maximum allowed by the Zoning <br />Ordinance), civil penalties on May 19, 1998, would amount to over $28,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Board of County Commissioners <br />consider assessing civil penalties in the amount of $2,000 payable within 30 days of <br />the assessment. If the amount is not paid within that time, and/or if the property is not <br />brought into compliance, the case should be turned over to the County Attorney to take <br />appropriate action. <br />