Orange County NC Website
Project Timetable <br />Project Whittted Human Services Center <br />Today's Date 5113198 8:07 <br />C, <br />Calendar Year 1998 <br />Calendar Year 1999 <br />Calendar Year 2000 <br />Calendar Year 2001 <br />Estimated Cost <br />Funding Source <br />1st Quarter <br />an mar <br />2nd <br />Quarter <br />A r -une <br />3rd <br />Quarter <br />It - t <br />4th <br />Quarter <br />Oct -Dec <br />1st Quarter <br />an -Mar <br />2nd <br />Quarter <br />A r -une <br />3rd <br />Quarter <br />ul -Se t <br />4th <br />Quarter <br />Oct -Dec <br />1st Quarter <br />an - Mar <br />2nd <br />Quarter <br />A r -une <br />3rd <br />Quarter <br />ul -S t <br />4th <br />Quarter <br />Oct -Dec <br />1st Quarter <br />an - Mar <br />2nd 3rd 4th <br />Quarter Quarter Quarter <br />A r_- tine) ul -S t) Oct -Lute.) <br />112 cent sales tax <br />RODE <br />(included in <br />$330,000 rts) <br />Selection of a Lead Design <br />Consultant (including RFP's <br />solicited; 'short list'created and <br />interviews held; recommendation <br />formulated and BOCCapproval) <br />Design Process (including <br />programming; schematic design; design <br />development; construction document <br />preparation) <br />Bidding Process (including <br />solicitaion o %bids; potential time %r <br />rebid, evaluation o %bids and <br />recommendation completed,- bid <br />rp <br />award /contract approval by BOCC, <br />contracts written; bonds received; <br />reviews completed; Chair ji ns <br />Construction (including site <br />preparation o/ clearing and grading; <br />includes all work within scope o %bid; <br />Certificate o Occu an issued)' <br />$1,210,000 Private Placement <br />HVAC System <br />Selection of a Lead Design <br />Consultant (including RFP's <br />solicited; "short list' created and <br />interviews held; recommendation <br />ormulated and BOCCa roval <br />Design Process (including <br />programming; schematic design; design <br />development; construction document <br />preparation) <br />Financing Approval /Bond Sale <br />(including Public Hearing; application <br />submitted to LGC/br review; LGC <br />approval) <br />Bidding Process (including <br />solicitaion o %bids; potential timefor <br />rebid; evaluation o %bids and <br />recommendation completed, bid <br />award /contract approval by BOCC <br />contracts written; bonds received; <br />reviews completed; Chair signs) <br />Construction (including site <br />preparation ofclearing and grading; <br />includes all work within scope o %bid; <br />Certificate o Occu an issued <br />C, <br />