Orange County NC Website
VII. Property Use Restrictions <br />29 <br />In addition to restrictions set out elsewhere in these guidelines, the following <br />restrictions will apply to property included in the purchase, lease, or donation <br />of development rights program. A waiver of any restriction may be granted <br />only upon approval by the Board of Supervisors in writing. <br />A. Residences permitted on the land from which development rights have <br />been conveyed are existing dwellings and the replacement of existing <br />dwellings. Requests for additional dwellings shall be considered on a case <br />by case basis. At no time shall the maximum number of dwellings on the <br />entire property as initially entered into the program exceed three (3). <br />B. All permitted non - agricultural structures shall, when feasible, be located <br />in the immediate vicinity of existing structures, described as the home- <br />stead or curtilage, as reasonable expansions of the homestead or curtilage <br />or on the area(s) of the property of least productive capability. Such <br />permitted structures shall, when feasible, utilize existing or common <br />driveways, lanes or right of ways. <br />C. The extraction of minerals by surface mining and extraction and removal <br />of topsoil from the property are prohibited. The extraction of subsurface <br />or deep -mined minerals, including natural gas and oil, and the non- <br />commercial extraction of minerals including limestone, shale and other <br />minerals shall be permitted, as long as the removal activity does not <br />significantly diminish the agricultural potential of the land. <br />D. Use of the property for dumping, storage, processing or landfill of <br />non - agricultural solid waste generated off -site is prohibited. <br />E. Use of the property for dumping, storage, processing, or landfill of <br />hazardous or nuclear waste is prohibited. <br />F. Signs, billboard, and outdoor advertising structures may not be <br />displayed on the property except to state the name of the property, the <br />name and address of the occupant, to advertise an on -site activity <br />permitted herein and to advertise the property for sale or rent. <br />G. Agricultural land will be managed in accordance with sound soil and <br />water conservation practices in a manner which will not destroy or <br />substantially or irretrievably diminish the productive capability of the <br />property. <br />14 <br />