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'1 R <br />County arranges a loan payment schedule with decreasing payments each year; if the Board G <br />redirects funding from certain capital projects in the recommended CIP to the school /park reserve; <br />or some combination of these three measures. <br />It is staff s opinion that if the Board approves the CIP with all three private placement projects as <br />recommended, that the County apply to the Local Government Commission for the approximately <br />$4.8 million needed to accomplish the outlined project scope as one package. LGC approval would <br />be needed no later than December, 1998 in order to secure the most favorable interest rates. In early <br />1999, the County will begin selling bonds approved by voters in the November 1997 referenda. For <br />the next few years, the County will almost certainly not be "bank qualified" under IRS regulations <br />as a small issuer (less than $10 million in debt incurred in any calendar year) because we will be <br />selling $56 million worth of bonds over a multi -year period. We will remain bank qualified for <br />1998, which would allow us to incur private placement debt at a much lower interest rate (at least 1- <br />2% lower) than we would obtain if the lender were required to pay federal income tax on the interest <br />paid to it by the County. Pursuing the $4.8 million as one private placement package will also be <br />administratively easier and reduce staff time and legal and issuance costs, compared to a multi- <br />phase approach or the issuance of Certificates of Participation (COPs). Any private placement <br />funds that the County draws down but does not spend immediately would be placed in interest <br />earning accounts. The rate that the County earns on its investments at this time is very close to the <br />interest rate that the County would likely have to pay on any money borrowed. <br />May 6, 1998 Meeting Followup <br />The Board discussed a proposal to include $200,000 annually for the PACE program (see attached <br />staff memos from Don Belk on the recent history of farmland preservation efforts in Orange <br />County: Cost of Community Services Studies (COCS); and the Forsyth County farmland <br />preservation program). <br />The Manager recommends that if the Board decides that it wants to implement PACE, or some <br />similar program, that funding in the first year of $100,000 be provided through an appropriation of <br />$50,000 from the County capital project fund balance, and a $50,000 transfer from the General Fund <br />from unanticipated property tax revenues that will likely be received in 1998 -99 from taxes on <br />acreage removed from the land use program. In the second year, these appropriations could increase <br />to $150,000 ($75,000 from both the County Capital Project and General Funds) in the second year, <br />and to $200,000 by the third year. <br />1998 -2008 CIP Adoption <br />Following further discussions and deliberations tonight, the Manager recommends that the Board <br />adopt the 1998 -08 Capital Investment Plan, withholding decisions on any specific projects that may <br />need further deliberation during the Board's budget work sessions in June. Approval of most, if not <br />all, of the CIP at this time will afford staff sufficient time to prepare the numerous capital project <br />ordinances that will need to take effect on July 1, 1998 in order to carry out the CIP. Ordinances for <br />each capital project will be presented for formal adoption by the Board no later than the Board's <br />final regular meeting for the 1997 -98 fiscal year on June 22. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board of Commissioners <br />formally adopt the 1998 -2008 CIP, less any specific projects that the Board may identify as needing <br />further deliberation during June 1998 budget work sessions. <br />