Orange County NC Website
<br />difficulty in attempting to work with the Department of Transportation regarding the <br />highway signs: installation, costs, locations, engineering, etc. Mr. Link stated that the <br />highway signs and the approval of the slogan were scheduled to go before the county <br />commissioners at the December 16'" meeting. Mr. Link suggested that since many things <br />had changed regarding the highway signs that the abstract on tl~e county commissioners <br />agenda be re-written reflecting those changes. Ms. Green and Mr. Ted Abernathy will <br />re-tool the abstract regarding the highway signs and forward to Mr. Link for <br />commissioner's meeting. <br />Mr. Cary stated the revised budget should retain the $30,000 for highway signs. ~'he <br />board could decide not to spend the full amount based on commissioner's input. Also, <br />the revenues for the bureau were up $100,000. <br />Ms. Green advised there has been a 4% growth in occupancy tax overall and pointed out <br />the last quarter of the Chapel Hill occupancy tax carne in alter tt~e 96-97 books were <br />closed. The revised budget was for $SG0,000. <br />It was at this time that Mr. Cary made a motion to approve the revised budget, Mr. Davao <br />seconded the motion, and with all in favor it was passccl that it be presented to the county <br />commissioners. <br />DIRECTOR'S REPO1tT <br />Ms. Green reported that Maria Lundberg; Communications Director had submitted her <br />resignation. The number two candidate, Ms. Patty Griffin, was contacted, and she <br />accepted the position. Ms. Griffin will begin January 5, 1998. i'resentty, Mr. Dnle <br />Chodorow is working as a temporary, with his main focus on developing a new visitors <br />guide. Mr. Chodorow conducted a focus group with hospitality partners on December 9''' <br />to discuss ideas regarding a new visitors guide. Ms. Green shared some of these ideas <br />with the board and also the concept of enhanced listings for Chapel I lilt/Orange County <br />restaurants and accommodations. April is the desired completion date for the visitors <br />guide. <br />After discussion regarding the enhanced listings, a motion was made by Mr. Carey that <br />the visitors bureau should al{ow, nn a trial basis, enhanced listings for restaurants and <br />hotels in the visitors guide and paid listings for retail stores. I Ic also added that the <br />county attorney should review the wording contained in the forms for listing prior to <br />mailing to local businesses. Catharine Callaway seconded the motion and with all board <br />members in agreement the motion was carried. <br />Ms. Green then updated the board on the new collateral pieces, which includes the lure <br />brochure, the new format for the "l Iappenings" Calendar of Events, and the new folders <br />for sales kits. The post cards, visitors map, and the newly designed meeting planners' <br />guides to be available within 2 to 3 months. <br />2 <br />.a~. <br />