Orange County NC Website
/ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />ti ~ APPLE +TZON FOR CHANGE OF ZONINf~`;ISTRICT (~~~,j <br /> <br />TO THE BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS D ~~~ObL~ D <br />ORANGE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA <br />The undersigned do hereby make epplicat on to c ange the Zoning Atlas <br />Orange County es hereinafter requested. <br />7. The property is located on the ~j~_sida of <br />f Nac.l-~/ NILI... S~~r/Road) betNeen S.R.# IiZO E <br />S.R. 1l 1'l It is known as Lot(s) PARToF Block -- , <br />Orange County Tax Map ~,-_ trt ~~"~ Township. It has a fronts <br />of _43~_ feetf. end a depth of .ZoO feet, end contai <br />_ ._.~7l2d square feet or 2 acres. <br />2. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezon <br />from b I'- to AL•2l CULTU2.4L SEQYIC E,AS <br />3.. The ,.following information has been _attached support oP <br />application fo r ch eng i ng the Zoning Atlas t'~ - required on <br />applications). <br />•a. A fully dlwanetontd ^ap at a seals of not lets than one f1) lnoh <br />squats one-hundred 1100) fret nor wore then one I1) lnoh equals <br />~' twenty I~01 feet""showtrp••-the trod whlah 1t proposed to be <br />rtsoned. <br />•b. A lspal deserlption of Lhe land propoasd to bs rtxoned. <br />•c. A stettwant of Juatlfleation eddreeslnp one or wort of the <br />following: ' <br />(1) Tht alleged error in the 2oninp Ordinanoe, if any, whleh <br />would ba corrected by the propasad awandwent with a detslled <br />esplenstion of auoh error 1n the toning Atlas and dacalled <br />rt~aona how the proposed ewendwanS will oorrtot the error. <br />(Z) The ohen9ed or ohanQinQ oondlttons, it any, 1n Lhe arse or <br />to LAe County panertlly, which wake Lhe proposed awandwertt <br />reasonably naoeasary to the prowotlon of the pub lie health, <br />safety end general welfare. <br />'t3) The Wenner to whteh Lhe proposed ewtndwent wlll carry out <br />Lhe Intent end purpeee of the adopted Land Uae Plan or pert <br />thereof. <br />•l41 All ether eirauwatenoaa, taotora end rsasene wh1aA the ' <br />epplioant otters in support of the propoead awendwent <br />tnalud/no, bu! net live/red to, doouwantation trove servtaa <br />e0enafae (a.q. ttrt~ patine, reeaue and utilttls~ apenalesl <br />eseurlnp eerrisee prorielon eeptbiltty to the developwant. <br />d. A ~lfss et all indirtduala. tirwa er eerperetiona owntnp property <br />edJeinin~ er within fire hundred Id001 feet of the property <br />s uqh for onin~ is astaohed. The lies fs ourrant as of <br />)Oats) <br />I certify thst all information furnished in this spplication is.eccuret <br />to the bast of ay knowledge. • <br />Applicant(s) : ~ ~~~j~325/ <br />Addrsss• ~ <br />... p 2 _ p . _ -- <br />Phones <br />383 --~°l~~V~ + <br />