Orange County NC Website
appendix .~ <br />CONSLZT:~'+-I' PS.~R.tii~CICT DLTiES <br />~T THE ORAtiGE COL~+"TY ~.3Li'L DEP~R'ItiI1I tiT ~ <br />L ~dmin,fstrative Duties: - <br />.~. Develop, imple.;,cnt zaaiar assist in ~e uaorovemettt ef'xrr-w°a polzc:es ~d orcccdures for lc<ai, ~e a~a <br />t*;~tive dr+i; tize:~py, dist:ioution, con~,ol and ¢:c. <br />I. WOr?C wIL:Z aDt1rOCTi°rZ c`''wt: ln: <br />a. Eevelop~ng and maitit3in~i; a f ~~ ul2i; . <br />b. cvrluatin' andLtnorovins prccrdur:s icr drug crocurc:nert ~~cra;e, pac.4~Q and <br />labeling. <br />B. Oversr at1 aesvides rely to ~e operation of u e pa4rna_cv. <br />C. Prepare a quar'.crfy rcort revicwiu; pbatiaacy ac'::vities and Mated issues. <br />D. °rpare an aanual ;r;,or aummarizin; pnartaacy activi::zs and accompfishmtnts ;or file prvious yea. and <br />:oafs and plans nor the ne:ct year. - . <br />f? A;sist aapropriacc ;mti in prepare; the badger for pharmac~ttticals and rcfat~ supplies, w$en cee~u.°sted. <br />F. a;;ist appropr..ta a~ in maaarin2 tine budget and acauirn~ We inventory of paarmaeeuticals in s cost <br />e1i'icieat manner. - <br />G. Evaluau and improve therapeutics within the Health Dep~rtent. <br />II- Drag Distribatiott: <br />h. Maintain ;uperriser ~:.sponsi~biIity for medication and labelin;. <br />B. Appropriately ;ucer~ise and rwfcw the dru; diss;oution svrem as carried out by ~e mid-level <br />_ practitionc.^s, other prescribing providers, and public ae`Ici't curses. <br />C. ~faimain the dnsg disuz'aution iyStDm iII compliancy with all laws, c~ulaticas and ;taadards. - -- <br />D. Provide drug iar'ormuion on an on-call basis to incft:dc t:e~: drugs, dru; interaccioas, etc. <br />E. gist with ~ e development and/or orccutcment of aectssary drug informatioa`patient :ducatioa matr^ :~ <br />to include iaforztation in laa=°ua;es ocher fan Ea;iish ~ appropriate. <br />G rda,aarOrgG~ceoc <br />p.E 3 <br />