Agenda - 06-02-1998 - 8c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-1998
Agenda - 06-02-1998 - 8c
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Last modified
7/9/2010 4:04:37 PM
Creation date
7/9/2010 4:04:34 PM
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1998 S Health - UNC Dept of Family Medicine
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Dentistry Dept of Dental Eecology for Smart Start Grant
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Dentistry dept of Pediatric Dentistry 06-02-1998-8c
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Dentistry for its Dept of Dental Ecology 06-02-1998-8c
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
1998 S Health - UNC School of Pharmacy 06-02-1998-8c
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1998
Minutes - 19980602
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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$, ltISIII~ Zile C'„a/r, DIv152Ct1 Ci fi82"SI:.C;. "~-C^.C°, Cr 1IS ~.SIy.'~-''i 3V31IdDl:ii! CD 3L ~I2^~~^,C'; jy~u iCC <br />~• <br />achzlinistrrive er oe..rnaceuti~l grcolz:Ils ~,;3e arise •N~cb are'•iy re!~ed ;o ~e cooscltznt paar„ary <br />services at ~e Hza.(th Dep ~, e3t; <br />Ill <br />~. provide tf:e stlee;-rision attd cvaluatictt ar"pharmacy ~.I,ICeau :ssi2ned on a rotational 'oasis to receive <br />="• zrcperiencr is tfte provision of corlsul'~=rlt pnar~~ ser~ic~;rent 3ctivi~es may rnelutfe: assis~in? he <br />paarma,clst to groVlding cJtisult~tt S2t'flCe, parscipare iII oroje ~ co ~raltratz or improve c~erapeltic; or <br />pharmacy rem activres, pr-~eQt or ~..racip2te in ia-s2rvic= =dt:~t?cn activities; <br />6. make availaole to Zile I-_TeaIt4 Depsranzrlr a :as..r of people (,Bbarn2c;s-s ama ix:dezts) who •uiIl oe ~er`.ting <br />in fu.lfilltnent or"chic Ccn~-ct; a!I cersoa;Iel chances in :he toter wIZI oz iubmlG~ ;n adv=.llce :o the <br />Dirxot az -tee 'r'.ealth Dem~aeat; and <br />7. render a biIt :Nice annually, is voveace: and yiay; re the 1~eW<~ Degar,,r,ent Ecr ifie ~;1-ed upon for. <br />~ This contract shaII be effective as of the 1'` day of JItIp 1993, and shsll terminate on the 30`° dsp of .Tune 1999. <br />It is a,,a,, Eed thst either party msp terminate this a,~reeaient by ;ri'ia; thirtp (~0) davs notice to the other party <br />of its intention to da so, said notice to be in writing. <br />N. This contract represents the entirt nndtrstandin; of the parties. day modification of any type mast 6e is <br />writin; slzd mast be signed by both parties m be effecrive. <br />OR~tiGE COLiYTY ffE~,I:TH DEP.~,RTtifE`+'T <br />FOR ~`rD ON BEH.~L.F OF L~iC-C~i <br />Oran,e County Board of Cotnmissieaet; <br />Director, Oranze County ; tealth Dcparanent <br />F'lnanc~ Du:.ctor <br />Date <br />OR~i iGE COLi`ITX' FLy:~vC~E DEF~RTy~`t'r <br />"Tirir tirstr-.mrua~r ~e~: ~:~~..di:2d ~ the <br />mcrrner rrq+~ed oy the Lccn.~ Go~~ernnrent <br />Budgei cmd Fircal Conrrcl :.ct" <br />Vice-Ckancetlor, Businzss and ciy2rcca <br />Dale <br />c >~ ldt~isiOe~oaesoe <br />s»s= = <br />
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